Category Archives: France

French Jewish groups Lead The Fight Against Free Speech And Criticism Of Islam

France has a whole bevy of Jewish groups fighting for hate speech laws. Wikipedia: In 2008, legendary French actress Brigitte Bardot was convicted for the fifth time for inciting hatred. The Movement Against Racism and for Friendship between Peoples (MRAP) … Continue reading

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To Be French

Above, a reassuring video produced by Polémia that reminds Frenchmen of what makes them unique. The video stands in stark contrast to government propaganda that hammers away at their pride, reducing them to guilt-ridden eloi of a ruthless centralized State, … Continue reading

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NYT: France is scrambling to remedy the inequities highlighted by the Charlie Hebdo attack…

I’m reading this New York Times article and I start choking at this: “France is scrambling to remedy the inequities highlighted by the Charlie Hebdo attack…” The Charlie Hebdo attack highlighted inequalities? I thought the Charlie Hebdo attack highlighted the … Continue reading

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Rabbi Abraham Cooper: A snapshot of France and her Jews at the crossroads

Abraham Cooper, Marvin Hier and company remind me of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. They’re all a bunch of race hustlers. Whenever anything shocking happens to their group, they run to the scene and show the flag. The differences between … Continue reading

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Why Do So Many French Jews Support The National Front?

From the Forward: The number of Jews who voted for the far-right National Front party soared in the most recent presidential election from the previous two votes, surveys showed. In the surveys of French Jews, some 13.5 percent of 1,095 … Continue reading

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