Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Is The Purpose Of Religion To Aggrandize Yourself Or To Serve God?

That’s the question I think about when I look at Jewish Los Angeles. When the Orthodox Union puts its hashgacha (kosher certification) on toilet bowl cleanser and water, is that just for making money or is there a divine reason … Continue reading

Posted in Kashrut, Orthodoxy, R. David Rue, R. Gershon Bess, R. Yehuda Bukspan, RCC | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Is The Purpose Of Religion To Aggrandize Yourself Or To Serve God?

Becoming Jewish Three Times

I used to go to Ohr HaTorah with this guy. We reconnected at the first LimmudLA in February 2008. He lives in Jerusalem and looks chareidi. He’s the most genial guy, funny, and easy to talk to. Yes, most Orthodox … Continue reading

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Aussie Blokes

I don’t know much. I never graduated from college or nothing. But I know about Aussie blokes. There’s this one Aussie bloke I know right well. He was raised a Sevie. You Yanks would call that a Seventh-Day Adventist. By … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, Dennis Prager, Ethics, Orthodoxy, Personal | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Aussie Blokes

Books To Sell Orthodox Judaism

Rabbi Gil Student writes: I recently made a list of good outreach books for a friend. Let me present it here with a little elaboration: Books that try to convince and respond to challenges: Nineteen Letters by R. Samson Raphael … Continue reading

Posted in Hirhurim, Orthodoxy, Race | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Books To Sell Orthodox Judaism

Judge Denies Rubashkin Bail Bid

The Des Moines Register reports:   A federal judge has denied Sholom Rubashkin’s request to be released on bail until he is sentenced on 86 financial fraud convictions. Chief Judge Linda Reade ruled that Rubashkin, the former vice president of Agriprocessors, … Continue reading

Posted in Agriprocessors, Orthodoxy, Yisroel Pensack | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Judge Denies Rubashkin Bail Bid