Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Is It A Scandal If An Orthodox Woman Wears Pants In Facebook Pic?

Watch the whole show. Torah Talks Fan Page

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What Do You Notice? II

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, A few days ago you posted a piece entitled “What do you notice“? in reference to the Alexander Technique. I couldn’t help but be struck by the similarities I encountered describing the Zen Buddhist practice … Continue reading

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Restless Night

Not much sleep. I can’t get warm. June gloom. I feel ill at ease. Am I just starting to sense the enormity of my anxiety? Is that why it feels so keen right now? Am I letting down my defenses? … Continue reading

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Racism In The Orthodox Community

Bill McCaulley writes: Dear Mr. Ford: I would wish to respond to a posting concerning racism among Orthodox Jews. I came upon the post recently I realize my reply is not timely, but I am greatly intrigued by the subject. … Continue reading

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The Role Of The Beard In Orthodox Judaism

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