Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Orthodox Flee Tottenham Riots

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Jews Have Been Kind To Me

I can only think of one instance where I met a Jew who disparaged converts. Her name was Sherry. It was an Aish Ha Torah event. And she just came out and said, “I don’t accept that you can convert … Continue reading

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The Loss Of Privacy

Ziona Greenwald writes for The Jewish Press: Anthony Weiner is the latest in a long line of public figures caught by surprise at the unveiling of their own closet misdeeds. Weiner (and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the still-presumed-innocent Dominique Strauss-Kahn, and … Continue reading

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Driving While Davening

Kirk emails: Leaving my house this morning to go to work, a van approaches with a driver (long beard, black hat) that was swerving while making his way down the street. When he passed me I noticed he had a … Continue reading

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Man Tricks Woman By Claiming To Be Elijah The Prophet

Watch the whole show.

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