Category Archives: Orthodoxy

How Many Orthodox Jews Are Happy About Being Jewish?

I am shocked at the high percentage of Orthodox Jews I meet who tell me that if they had a choice, they would not be Jewish. It’s too hard. Too much of a burden. But they feel obligated by tradition … Continue reading

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Don’t Expect To Get Hired At A Major Los Angeles Law Firm If You Look Jewish

I don’t believe there is any major law firm in Los Angeles who would hire a lawyer who looked traditionally Jewish with the long beard, the yarmulke, the tzitzit out (unless the guy was extraordinarily connected). There are many Orthodox … Continue reading

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Religion Vs Sports

In his speech last night to the RNC, Mitt Romney said: “We were Mormons and growing up in Michigan; that might have seemed unusual or out of place but I really don’t remember it that way. My friends cared more … Continue reading

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What’s The Orthodox Way Of Eating A Bread Roll?

I was accused on Shabbos of eating my bread roll like a baal teshuva (instead of an FFB, Frum From Birth, aka Orthodox from birth) because I put the humus on my roll instead of tearing my roll up and … Continue reading

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What are the ten stupidest things that Orthodox Jews, particularly rabbis, believe?

I want to make a list (while staying within the daled amot aka orthodox Judaism): * That the Chofetz Chaim embodies Judaism’s teachings about proper speech (he used mussar, frequently extreme, and aggadata and turned it into halacha). If you … Continue reading

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