Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Wisdom From Kids

This 11yo boy asks me at shul: “Do you have kids?” Luke: “No.” Boy: “Are you married?” Luke: “No.” Boy: “So you’re single.” Luke: “Yes.” Boy: “It’s lame to be single.” I wasn’t bothered by the kid’s comment. I thought … Continue reading

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Can A Convert Fit In With An Orthodox Shul?

There are plenty of shuls and communities where a convert and a baal teshuva (a person born Jewish who becomes Orthodox later in life) will never fit in and plenty where he will. I’d put the ratio at about 70-30, … Continue reading

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Should The Husband Be In The Delivery Room?

When I was growing up, husbands stayed away from the delivery room because the blood and mess would put you off sex for life. Nowadays it seems like all the husbands I know are in the delivery room. The prospect … Continue reading

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How Do Religious Kids Rebel?

How do Orthodox Jewish teens rebel while staying within the Orthodox community? They do things they can hide, such as texting or watching TV on Shabbos, porn, sex, alcohol and drug abuse…or the more intellectually inclined might study forbidden books … Continue reading

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Lag B’Omer Parade

Dear mom: Today is the Jewish holiday of Lag B’Omer and there was a big parade and concert, closing off a main street by where I live and a thousand Orthodox Jews in attendance. I hung out for 2.5 hours, … Continue reading

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