Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff: ‘Feminism is the biggest problem we have’

This is an interesting class from 2006. The rabbi says he permitted a woman, quietly, to put on tefillin. If you have a young woman leading the prayers, “if your eyes aren’t on her, you’re not a man, and if … Continue reading

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Her Task Is To Instill Sexual Desire In Orthodox Wives

I wish her much mazal! From the New York Times: The suggestions ranged from the seemingly modest to the more direct, from reading romance novels to kissing with the lights on to wearing a lacy nightgown to his touching her … Continue reading

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Evolution & Orthodox Judaism

A secular friend of mine stayed with some Orthodox Jews for a couple of days and then got in touch with me: “Ok so I’m having this crisis. I am staying with these religious people and I really like them … Continue reading

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When American Jews Don’t Consider Themselves Part Of America

I’m reading a 2007 essay by Marc B. Shapiro: The Torah im Derekh Erez philosophy [Torah with the way of the land], which was shared by virtually all German Orthodox Jews in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, began … Continue reading

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Should Wearing Religious Head-Coverings To Work Be A Right?

I’ve been wearing a religious head-covering to work for about 20 years. Only on one occasion was I asked to take it off — when I was working as an extra on a TV show, playing an ambulance assistant, I … Continue reading

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