Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Orthodox Jews Hire Mexicans To Protest At Gay Pride Parade

Story. No wonder every major Jewish organization supports immigration amnesty for America, but not for Israel.

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Lost In Inglewood

An Orthodox Jew tells me: My [teenage] daughter was lost the other night in Inglewood. What was she doing there? Registering people to vote? and was approached by two nice African American guys. They asked her the same question, and … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews And America’s Culture Wars

Elliot Resnick writes: Jews in pre-war Europe tended to fear fundamentalist Christianity. They knew that Christian fervor often led to expulsions, blood libels, and forced conversions. Indeed, when Russia’s Queen Elizabeth barred all Jews from her realm in 1742, she … Continue reading

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Report: Rabbi Who Installed Hidden Cameras in Dorm to Open New Seminary

As I understand it, the rabbi is opening a new school and NCSY – where he worked before — needs to make a decision if they will work with him and let him into their programs. LINK: According to the … Continue reading

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From Principles to Rules and from Musar to Halakhah: The Hafetz Hayim’s Rulings on Libel and Gossip by Benjamin Brown

LINK: Story from Professor Israel Ta-Shma: In the year 1873, when the Hafetz Hayim finished writing his book Hafetz Hayim on libel and gossip, he wished to publish it with rabbinical endorsements, as was customary. Since he also wanted to … Continue reading

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