Category Archives: Orthodoxy

The New Failed Messiah-Type Blog

Click here for the blog covering the dark side of the Orthodox world: “Uncovering the crimes, misdeeds and scandals of the Haredi/Hasidic community. Following in the footsteps of Failed Messiah.” Chaim Amalek writes: “Rodef alert! Hashem, send us moshiach already … Continue reading

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The Shiduch Crisis

From Time magazine: Secular-style dating is rare in the Orthodox community in which Elefant lives. Most marriages are loosely arranged—“guided” is probably a better word—by matchmakers such as Elefant. The shadchan’s job has been made exceedingly difficult, she said, by … Continue reading

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Rabbi Nachum Ansel writes: The Torah clearly states its views about the act of homosexuality. The act of homosexuality, i.e. two men having sexual relations, is prohibited (SOURCE #1). The act is twice called a ìToaivaan abominationî and it is … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jewish radio show used in FBI sting

USA Today: The FBI and U.S. Attorney’s Office used an Orthodox Jewish radio program in an elaborate sting operation that helped the government convict Malcolm Smith and other New York politicians in a corruption scandal, a four-month investigation by The … Continue reading

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Working The System

A woman tells me: Thank you for your informative blog about rabbi… We are currently being sued by a “religious Jew.” Because of our lifetime friendship with a jewish woman that recently passed. Because of her will and estate we … Continue reading

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