Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Sex Before Marriage In Orthodox Judaism

Marc B. Shapiro writes: Because the masses had no interest in what the rabbis had to say about this matter, R. Landsofer concludes that one need not even rebuke them, as they won’t listen anyway. Not long ago I heard … Continue reading

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Are Orthodox Jews Pro-Trump?

Comment: “Are Orthodox Jewish conservatives immigration restrictionists? That is one aspect of my conservatism that I suspect would be unpopular in Orthodox Jewish settings as well as non-Orthodox Jewish settings.” Orthodox Jews care primarily about the welfare of Orthodox Jews. … Continue reading

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‘Fixer’ bribed cops into closing Lincoln Tunnel lane: feds

New York Post: Cops shut down a lane in the Lincoln Tunnel so a visiting businessman could be escorted through it at the behest of a major de Blasio fundraiser, federal prosecutors charged Monday. The outrageous move was revealed as … Continue reading

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Orthodox ‘Christmas Elf’ Arrested in Sprawling New York Bribery and Corruption Probe

Forward: On Christmas Day three years ago, two Orthodox businessmen dressed as Christmas elves knocked on the door of the Staten Island home of a high-ranking officer in the New York City police department. The elves came bearing gifts, according … Continue reading

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When Orthodox Jews visit the Islamic Center for Ramadan

The story is a good reminder that there are no permanent friends or enemies in the world. Everything is time and context. In some times and contexts, Jews and Muslims have much in common. At other times, they are at … Continue reading

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