Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Hardcore Jewish Chicks In Pico/Robertson

Here’s the video. MySpace

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Young Israel On The Rocks

From the YU Commentator: Since its inception in 1912, the Young Israel movement has attempted to steer the precarious balance that is American Modern Orthodoxy. But according to sources inside the Young Israel as well as outside observers, the National … Continue reading

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After Annapolis Thoughts About The Role Of American Orthodox Jews

By Rabbi Michael J. Broyde and Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein: The Annapolis Peace Conference has come and gone, and negotiations are really just beginning, some in private and some in public. And while differences of opinion abound within the Orthodox world, … Continue reading

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Haredim Sing ‘YMCA’ Rally For HD TV

"YES cable Israel takes advantage of the Haredi tendency to protest and uses it in an advertisement for HDTV."

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Rabbi Saul Berman Comes To Town

I’ve heard mixed reviews about his Sabbath talks. I’m told: Like many speakers he had more time to speak than material. He was a bit ideological Friday night on his point that chumras are a socio-cultural/historical phenomenon of post-Holocaust Judaism. … Continue reading

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