Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Success In Dallas For Rav Adlerstein

Rav Adlerstein blogs: If buildings could speak, the message of Dallas’ new Ohr HaTorah shul is one of pride, confidence, and inclusiveness. Simply put, it is – architecturally – the most impressive building of a right-of-Orthodox-center shul I have ever … Continue reading

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Ten Who Could’ve Been Great

From Esquire: If New England wins the Super Bowl, they complete football’s longest undefeated season, earn their fourth title in seven years, and ensure they will be remembered until the sun implodes or soccer catches on in America, whichever comes … Continue reading

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What Percentage Of Orthodox Jews Take Their Cases To Secular Courts Rather Than Religious Courts?

A Jew is supposed to resolve his issues within the community and not look to the goyim and their legal system for redress. I say, can’t we all get along? If you’ve got a problem with somebody, don’t sue him … Continue reading

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Robin Garbose

From The Jewish Week: Los Angeles — The tops of moonlit palm trees hovered above hundreds of Orthodox girls and women who drove through the enormous gates of Paramount Studio’s lot to The Sherry Lansing Theater on a recent Saturday … Continue reading

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Non-Male Non-Orthodox Non-Rabbis

Rabbi Gil Student writes: There was an article in The Jerusalem Post a few weeks ago announcing that the Hartman Institute has decided to start ordaining women as Orthodox rabbis (link). I did not comment on it initially because it … Continue reading

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