La Brea Murder-Suicide Victims ID’d

From CBS:

LOS ANGELES (CBS) ? On Monday, authorities identified a husband and wife who died in an apparent murder-suicide in the Park La Brea area of Los Angeles.

Bruce and Terri Nadler, both 61, died on Saturday of gunshot wounds that authorities believe were inflicted by Bruce, said Craig Harvey of the coroner’s office.

Officers were sent to the 200 block of South Detroit Street on a "shots fired" call about 11:25 a.m. Saturday, and found the bodies in their home, the Los Angeles Police Department reported.

Homicide investigators believe they’ve also found the weapon used in the killings, but have not established a motive.

A source says: "Their family is Orthodox. Their kid is (I think he is black hat)… I know all the cousins and the wife’s (who was killed) brother is. I don’t know exactly how religious the husband and wife were – but definitely an overall Jewish family in the community. The funeral was today."

WSJ writes on Elitefitness: "He is a terrible doctor. Not board certified. Been on probation with the state of NY and lots of malpractice. I will post more on this soon. I personally would not let him operate on my dog."

Dr. Nadler liked to bill himself as "the world’s strongest plastic surgeon."

Here are some photos of Bruce Nadler.

It sounds like Dr. Nadler may have been into testosterone and steroids, which may have given him ‘roid rage.

Here’s an interview from a bodybuilder website called "Testosterone Nation":

The End of Genetic Limitations
An Interview With Dr. Bruce Nadler
By Garrison Kane 

Bruce Nadler is one of a kind. Dr. Nadler (or "Nads," as he is affectionately known) is the premier bodybuilding "constructionist." Yeah, I just made that word up, but since the good doctor doesn’t fall into any traditional category, it seems as apt as any. You see, Nads’ background, prior to receiving his medical degree in 1971, was that of a competitive bodybuilder and a sculptor. This makes him, unlike most plastic surgeons, supremely suited towards understanding what the ideal muscular body should and could look like.

I met up with Dr. Nadler at his Park Avenue office in New York City. No one in his office bothered to give me a second look, but then again, why should they? This is a place frequented by some of the world’s best professional bodybuilders, a place where they travel to get those "finishing touches" that can make the difference between winning a big show or placing out of the money.

To some, the idea of cosmetic surgery may seem a little radical or, at the very least, unnatural. Yet, as Bruce puts it, "There’s nothing at all natural about bodybuilding." You gotta’ admit, lifting weights, taking supplements and/or drugs, eating every three hours, and even removing body hair is not exactly "nature’s plan." But the very essence of bodybuilding is to look extraordinary. This is where Bruce Nadler comes in. He is the next and newest step toward physical perfection.

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to wake up one day and find your genetic flaws erased, wonder no more. It’s now a reality. And Bruce Nadler is the man who can do it.

T: What was it that made you decide to specialize in surgical body sculpting for bodybuilders?

BN: I became interested in bodybuilding as a teenager, as many young men do, but what I really wanted was to be a sculptor. The weightlifting went from being an athletic endeavor to a more artistic pursuit. My mom told me that if being an artist was to be my profession, the only money I’d make would be after I’m dead! When I started studying medicine, it seemed like a natural progression to combine all of the talents, and that naturally led to plastic surgery. At the time, it was mostly reconstructive surgery, but little by little, the cosmetic applications started to capture the public’s imagination.

T: Do you still compete as a bodybuilder?

BN: I haven’t competed in a while because I can’t force myself to diet. But last year, I won the overall masters in the Tri States. The fact that I do compete helps me to have an understanding of what a bodybuilder would want, whereas they may go to someone else and the doctor will say, "I don’t see anything wrong." It’s a matter of knowing the degree of perfection that a bodybuilder would be looking for.

For instance, one of the more popular procedures that I do is "ab etching." The theory is to bring out the muscularity by removing the fat in between the muscles, which is different from ab sculpting where they leave blocks of fat to look like muscles. The problem with "sculpting" is that, as soon as you twist your body, it looks very unnatural. If you have some level of muscularity, I can "increase your inheritance," so to speak, by enhancing your natural genetic potential. This procedure can be used anywhere on the body. I can give you more separation in the deltoids, cleaner lines in the biceps. Anything. And that’s something a typical plastic surgeon may not do.

T: Speaking of going past one’s genetic potential, I understand that you will prescribe steroid therapy to someone who is eligible for testosterone replacement?

BN: I’m my own test laboratory in that respect because, in the last two years, I’ve been taking 6 to 8 IUs a week of growth hormone, and I alternate between 200 mg a week of deca and 200 mg of testosterone cypionate the next week. Instead of going super physiological, I believe in just going to maximum natural levels to that of a man in his twenties. In this way, there are no side effects.

T: Would staying on exogenous GH, non-stop, lower endogenous levels of GH?

BN: Probably, but I compare it to being a diabetic. You just accept it as a lifestyle. The same thing applies to testosterone therapy. If you need it, you just stay on it. I’ll be 52 years old this month, and I noticed at about age 45 a certain decline in strength. I also started gaining fat more easily. I hadn’t done steroids before that point, but since I started using them in the past two years, I’ve put on about 25 pounds of mass. My body fat stays at about 9% even though I don’t watch my diet at all, unlike in the past when, no matter how well I ate, I would still get fat. I also heal more quickly from injuries.

T: Why do you think that there is still such a hysteria concerning steroids in this country?

BN: I’ve always felt that politicians always have to make the majority of the electorate think that they’re doing something?so they inconvenience a small, unimportant group, like bodybuilders. They have no idea what they’re talking about. Somebody hands them a speech, and they go! They took something that could have been done safely and sent it to the black market and all of the inherent dangers that go along with dealing with that element. Will they ever be legal again? I hope so.

T: We’re working on it! Maybe it can slip through in the life extension field.

BN: Well, life extension, or "youth extension," is getting very popular, and more and more drugs are becoming readily available.

T: What do you think of the current crop of natural growth hormone releasers?

BN: Major drug companies have a lot of money invested in the research of these things, and it looks as if the GH secretagogues are of very little value. Some are known to show elevation, but it’s negligible. Even then, there is a receptor shutdown after about two months.

T: I’m surprised that they worked at all.

BN: It’s very hit and miss. The spike is also too short in duration to make any difference. As far as the sublingual sprays, some of them do contain real growth hormone, but it’s one four-hundredth of an IU! I’d like to see some blood tests that show any elevation from that!

T: What is the price for a month’s supply of GH?

BN: I make arrangements with the pharmacies to sell the GH to patients for exactly the price that I would pay for it?about ten dollars an IU.

T: That’s a pretty good price! I get the feeling that you are going to get a lot of calls once this article is published.

BN: When the Japanese version comes out, it will be even cheaper. I believe that within a few years, GH replacement will be as commonplace as cough medicine. I should add that this is not recommended for young people. If you already have a high level and take in additional GH, it isn’t of much benefit, and that’s when you get all of the side effects, like acromegaly. You also run the risk of diabetes and accelerated tumor growth. Remember, you’re not going to look good just by what you inject or swallow. You have to work out, eat right, and supplement.

Some people think that we’re fooling with nature, but I feel that growing old is a disease process and should be fought. Nature has no need for you after you pass the age of procreation. We are here to proliferate the species?no other reason. So when you can no longer reproduce, you have to be killed off to make room for the next generation. That’s why it starts to decline so rapidly after 40. But I want to go down kicking and screaming. It’s a philosophy.

T: What are your thoughts on steroid use by younger men?

BN: If they are cycled just to get an occasional "boost," it can be done safely. There are good steroids and bad steroids. I should state that, in order for me to prescribe steroids, the patient must prove to be hypogonadal. I don’t prescribe any oral steroids. I mostly recommend deca.

T: And the brand available at pharmacies is Steris?

BN: Steris has closed down!

T: Oh, no!!!

BN: Yeah, now it’s only Organon…at three times the cost.

T: Have you had any surgery done on yourself?

BN: Yes, I had liposuction. I started getting jealous of my patients! There was that last bit of fat lapping over my belt that just wouldn’t go away, so I had it done, and it hasn’t been back. Liposuction is the only real spot reducer. I haven’t had work done on my face, but when the time comes, I’ll probably get a lift.

T: What is your most common surgical procedure?

BN: I think that I’ve set a record for doing more gynocomastia surgery than anyone else. Over 700 cases! Breast implants would have to be second.

T: I knew a woman who had perfect C-cup breasts, and she had them enlarged to the point where they looked like Tupperware bowls. Would you ever dissuade someone from having cosmetic surgery?

BN: It’s important to have long talks with the patient and know what they really want. I get some bizarre requests. You learn not to make judgements. I write for a trade magazine for strippers [Extreme], and I can tell you that some of those women know that the bigger the breasts, the more in demand they become. They make money by looking freaky.

T: I guess that, like beauty, deformity is in the eye of the beholder.

BN: Absolutely. And as far as turning people away, yes. For example, I won’t do lipo on fat people. I’d recommend that they first clean up their diet and start an exercise program. Then, when I do the work, it will look better and the fat won’t come back. It’s also better to work on the problem before it gets too bad. I always say that the best compliment is when someone sees a patient of mine and thinks that they look great, but they don’t know why. The best job is one that isn’t too obvious.

T: I understand that you have a new procedure for calf implants?

BN: Yes, I use a soft solid silastic implant (the texture of muscle) that can be shaped any way you want. Round, diamond…it can’t break or leak. It’s slipped into the fascial compartment over the heads of the gastrocnemius, so it stays within the muscle confines. Most implants being used, like the ones that Lou Ferrigno had to have removed, are just placed under the skin. Calf size is determined genetically by the length of the tendons. If you have short tendons, then all you have to do is walk, and your calves will grow.

I use a similar technique with the pec implant. It’s inserted between the pec major and the pec minor. It pushes the pec forward so that, when you flex, what shows is your own muscle. You also don’t get that lower pec droop found in other pec implants.

T: Could pec implants affect flexibility?

BN: They shouldn’t. If a surgeon doesn’t know what a perfect pec should look like, the results can be a disaster. I just worked on a professional baseball player who was born without a pectoral muscle. He is now doing commercials without his shirt on.

T: What are the prices for the other various procedures?

BN: The total cost of most liposuction, including office visits, anesthesia, everything, is about $5,100. Implants can cost $5,000-$7,000.

T: I guess I’m stuck with my skinny calves after all. Any new techniques on the horizon?

BN: There are new things all of the time. Some things, like ultrasonic liposuction, I’m not a big proponent of. Lasers should be used only by laser specialists. Sometimes people fall so in love with technology that they feel a need to use it in spite of its effectiveness.

I think that, in the future, there will be doctors who are "enhancement specialists." They will deal with all aspects of youth extension, performance enhancement, and body alteration. It will include all forms of surgery, drugs, and hormone therapy.

T: Doc, it sounds as if you’re doing some of that fascinating work already. You look incredible, especially for someone your age.

BN: I feel like a man twenty years younger.

T: One last hypothetical question. What do you think would happen if you stopped taking the GH, testosterone, and deca durabolin?

BN: [Thinks for a moment] Well, I guess I’d turn into an old man!

In 1959, a story by Charles Beaumont entitled "Number 12 Looks Just like You" (later made into an episode of "The Twilight Zone") spoke of a futuristic society that eliminated many of the world’s woes by putting people through a "transformation" that would make them young and beautiful. Today, we’re getting close to living in that brave new world.

I think it’s fair to say that most people would choose to be as attractive as possible. Like anything else, cosmetic enhancement can be taken too far (e.g. Michael Jackson). It’s not meant to be a cure-all. But it’s an option; in some cases, the only option.

After talking to Dr. Nadler, I felt much more at ease about surgery as a method of improving one’s appearance. The idea of steroid and GH therapy also sounds enticing. I think it’s safe to assume that I may be making another call on the doctor, soon. Very soon.

If you wish to contact "The Liposuctionator," you may do so by either calling 1-800-445-0505 or visiting his website at

Here are some more articles about Nadler, including this one: [Cached]

Published on: 4/10/2007   Last Visited: 4/26/2007

Retired plastic surgeon and certified personal trainer Bruce J. Nadler M.D. has brought his Plastic Synergy training system to Los Angeles. As stated in his book, "The Nip Tuck Workout – Exercise through the Eyes of a Plastic Surgeon," Dr. Nadler has created an exercise program based on the plastic surgical principles of proportion and symmetry. It combines careful analysis with an individualized exercise prescription.

LOS ANGELES, April 10 /PRNewswire/ –

Retiring after 28 years of practicing plastic surgery in NYC, Dr. Nadler, a former competitive body builder, ASCM certified personal fitness trainer and himself a baby boomer, developed a regimen that is safe, efficient and effective. Instead of settling for a minimally acceptable goal of fitness, he optimizes each person’s physical potential.

His background in plastic surgery, bodybuilding and martial arts (black belt in Shotokan karate) has allowed him to combine the best of many disciplines to create his system.

Dr. Nadler has re-located to Los Angeles after successfully training several top New York City celebrities. He is now affiliated with The Scandinavian Health Experience.

Here are archived pages of his websites and Here’s how he describes himself:

I am the only M.D. specializing in Aesthetic Personal Fitness Training. No one else has my background of cosmetic plastic surgery,anti-aging medicine and exercise experience.

* World renowned cosmetic plastic surgeon and personal trainer for almost 3 decades specializing in body sculpture and anti-aging, now retired from surgery
* Certified personal trainer- American College of Sports Medicine, the most difficult certification to obtain
* Black belt- Shotokan karate
* Body building and female figure judge- National Physique Committee
* Author of "The Nip Tuck Workout"
* Creator of the "Plastic Synergy" workout system

The media has recognized my knowledge and ability.

I have appeared on:

* The View
* VH-1
* The Discovery Channel
* CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox News.

I have been featured in:

* New York Magazine
* The New York Times
* Wall Street Journal
* New York Post
* Newsday
* Vogue
* Cosmopolitan
* Maxim
* Penthouse
* Muscular Development
* Muscle and Fitness
* Ironman

[After a topless picture of himself flexing his muscles, Dr. Nadler says:] "Not too bad for a 60 year old It’s really me! I’ll take my shirt off on request.. I know how to maximize your potential."

Here’s a disturbing interview with Dr. Nadler from

Dr. Bruce Nadler was a well known Plastic Surgeon who practiced for 28 years and specialized in surgical body sculpting. He is now a personal fitness trainer certified by both the American College of Sports Medicine and the International Sports Sciences Association. He a competitive body builder, winning titles in Master’s Level competitions, as well as a National Physique Committee bodybuilding and figure competition judge. This extensive background in the human form gives Dr. Nadler a special understanding and insight into what a body should look like and how to obtain it.

Name:  Bruce Nadler, M.D.

Birthday: 1/29/1947

Location: New York

Q: Tell us how you got to where you are now.

A: After practicing plastic surgery for 28 years, I retired and started a person training business, Nip Tuck Fitness NYC.

Q: Define and discuss failure.

A: Failure is the inability to see alternative answers to your problems. 

Q: Is there anything about yourself that you’ve changed your mind about in the last 20 years?

A: I thought I couldn’t find something that would give me the same satisfaction as performing plastic surgery.  Becoming a personal trainer has changed that.  I can use the experience and knowledge I possess to maximize my new endeavor.

Q: What’s the next major item on your "to-do" list?

A: The next major item is to start work on my next book called “Operation Boomerang, Returning Baby Boomers to Fitness.”  It will deal with safe and effective methods for Baby Boomers to achieve the benefits of exercise.  Being a Baby Boomer myself, give additional insight into the project.

Q: Define individual responsibility and how you react to adverse situations.

A: Individual responsibility is opting out from our current society of victims.  Too many people claim the results of their own stupidity are caused by others.  Then they try to sue them.

Adverse situations are challenges.  I had rheumatic fever as a child and then another heart infection during my surgical residency.  Instead of accepting a compromised life style, I refused to be limited just because I have two damaged heart valves.  I learned to compensate and do any activity I want.

Q: When do you have time to think about your mistakes, mishaps, achievements, and minor victories; in other words, do you have any reflective time for yourself of your career?

A: These are all lessons that should teach rather than be ignored.  I certainly have had my share of each of the categories.  They constantly hover in the background to provide a measure to evaluate any potentially new activity.

Q: What is your most influential story, fiction or nonfiction, from a film, book, magazine, newspaper or parable? Explain its impact on your life? What’s you’re favorite saying?

A: The most influential writing in my life is the poem “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley.

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate;

I am the captain of my soul.

This poem sums up my feelings about adversity.

Q: Was there a defining moment in your life when you made a decision that changed the course of the rest of your life forever?

A: Marrying my wife Terri gave the perfect complement to my personality.  I found an equal who made me much more than I could have been alone.

Q: What’s the most bodacious chance you’ve ever taken?

A: Life has been a series of chances.  Every time I refused to be compromised, I took a big chance.  When I decided, as a plastic surgeon, to concentrate on surgery for the physically fit, I was told there was no market.  I proved that wrong.  When I announced my retirement to pursue personal training, I was also told I wouldn’t be happy.  Time will tell.

Q: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned about yourself? What’s the biggest lesson you haven’t learned?

A: The most important quality to be successful is to able to bounce back from adversity.  Try to have a life boat, a “Plan B,” in mind just in case.

I haven’t learned how to be in two places at the same time.

Q: What keeps you going (your motivation)?

A: My motivation is to push to envelop as far as I can.  There are four main principles that motivate a person, fear, pleasure, pain and recognition.  One must learn to conquer or ignore fear.  One must learn to avoid endure pain.  One must not be satisfied with pleasure alone.  Accomplish these feats and recognition will come.

Q: On those days when you’re not motivated to work out, but you know you have to, what’s the one thought that gets you going?

A: I have an image to maintain. 

Q: If you had to choose a specific song or band to get you psyched for your workout, what would it be?

A: Metallica

Q: If you could eat one forbidden food whenever you wanted without gaining weight, what would it be?

A: That would be a toss-up between dark chocolate and blue cheese.

Q: What dessert do you dream about?

A: A dark chocolate soufflé with fresh whipped cream.

Q: If there were one healthy food item (something you love) that you had to eat every day, what would it be?

A: Low fat, low carbohydrate chocolate brownies.

Q: What is the one food or meal you always eat before an event? What about before training?

A: A hydrolyzed whey protein/ carbohydrate shake.

Q: What’s the best book about health that you’ve read?

A: My book “The Nip Tuck Workout.”

Q: What are your two favorite health magazines?

The Journal of the ACSM and the internet magazine T-Nation.

Q: What do you consider the world’s most perfect food? Please be specific and try not to answer with a category but rather with a specific food item: for example, not “whole grain” but “raisin bran cereal”?

A: Plain Yogurt

Q: Do you have any sports superstitions or rituals?


Q: How do you take total control of your mind and body to achieve the focus you need during pivotal sports moments?

A: Zen Meditation.  I’ve spent 15 years involved in martial arts.  It’s given me the ability to hyper-focus.

Q: What do you think is the best training location in the world?

A: La Jolla, California

Q: What do you do to reduce stress/relax/center your mind? Do you participate in an organized relaxation activity such as yoga, meditation or tai chi?

A: Total concentration on the mind-body-breathing connection during weight training serves as a moving meditation.

Q: Are there healthy restaurants that you enjoy and would recommend?

A: Josephina’s Restaurant in Manhattan.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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