Category Archives: Orthodoxy

The One Problem With The Happy Minyan In Particular And Orthodox Judaism In General

The Happy Minyan meets on Shabbos at a karate studio. The bathroom is in the back, near the woman’s section. Women tend to congregate around the bathroom. There’s no loud fan in the bathroom and you couldn’t turn it on … Continue reading

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The Role Of Midrash In Orthodox Jewish Education

I heard a talk decrying the use of midrash as a literature co-extensive with the Bible. Midrash is not so much scriptural interpretation as homiletics (inspiring stories), said the Orthodox rabbi, citing Maimonides. When we treat midrash as equal to … Continue reading

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What Kind Of Moral Qualifications Do You Need To Lead Prayers At An Orthodox Shul?

Is it ok to have someone lead davening who desecrates the Sabbath? What about someone out of the closet and leading a gay life? Does the davener just need to have long pants (in America) and know the prayers? What … Continue reading

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Why Don’t Orthodox Shuls Ever Start Their Shuvuot Learning Before 11 PM?

Some of us need our beauty sleep. Conservative shuls know how to do Shuvuot right. They tend to start around 9 pm. Beth Am on La Cienega and Olympic Blvds has a dynamic program.

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Religious tensions at boiling point in Beitar Illite as 14-year-old girl attacked by member of town’s ‘modesty guard’

From YNET News: A 14-year-old girl from Beitar Illite was taken to the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem after an unknown person spilled acid on her face, legs and stomach, causing light burn wounds. The act has been attributed … Continue reading

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