Category Archives: Terror

Terrorism In The Name Of Palestine

Max Boot writes: Just as there was a certain segment of the intelligentsia which claimed after 9/11 that the U.S. “had it coming,” so too there will no doubt be some who claim that the Jews somehow had it coming … Continue reading

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Should We Execute Terrorists On The Spot?

Steven Plaut writes for The Jewish Press: It is perhaps the ultimate irony that the Bus 300 affair recently popped up again in the Israeli media just days after the al-Qaeda terrorist with the U.S. passport, Anwar al-Awlaki, was liquidated … Continue reading

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Joe emails: They should rename Pakistan. What a joke. This was an overkill operation given that Osama was in “friendly” hands. If the pakis would have helped or would even have kept their filthy mouths shut, the operation would have … Continue reading

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Arab World Mourns Osama Bin Laden

Dennis Prager interviewed conservative author and Arabist David Pryce Jones (The Closed Circle) today. Dennis: “Has there been silence from the Arab and Muslim world in reaction to Bin Laden’s death?” David: “Yes. The Arab world seems to be silent … Continue reading

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Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “We are told constantly that this can bring ‘closure’, a word I’m not a big fan of, to a lot of the relatives of the victims of 9/11. They are quoted as … Continue reading

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