Category Archives: Jewish Journalism

The Lashon Hara Picture Show

From "A Taste of Limmud" Sunday night in Valley Vilage: Danielle Berrin rose to give her talk. (Listen) Danielle spoke about her cover profile of director Brett Ratner. She said that she did not publish the worst things he did … Continue reading

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Inside The Jewish News Media

Here’s the Jewish Telegraphic Agency’s 990 filing for 2007. 2006. 2005. JTA website. I was surprised that JTA’s revenues are half those of the Jewish Journal. JTA gets half of its income from charity while the Journal gets zero. Mark … Continue reading

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Jewish News Roundup

From Hirhurim: R. Menachem Genack tells readers that his cousin, Julius Genachowski, is on Obama’s transition team (Jewish Press). R. Genack also writes: "When people asked me whom to vote for, I would respond, ‘Vote for the person you think … Continue reading

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I’m Tired Of The Fluffy Treatment The Jewish Journal Gives ‘Progressive’ Orthodox Judaism

The rabbis must be happy when they can have one of their own write these stories. That way they won’t be asked any tough questions. This is what I call unethical journalism — having someone you control report on you. … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Jacob, Bnai David-Judea, Daniel Korobkin, Ethics, Jewish Journal, Jewish Journalism, Modern Orthodox, Pico/Robertson, YICC | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on I’m Tired Of The Fluffy Treatment The Jewish Journal Gives ‘Progressive’ Orthodox Judaism

Jonathan S. Tobin Leaves For Commentary Magazine

From The Jewish Exponent: The editor of the Jewish Exponent, Jonathan S. Tobin, will be leaving the newspaper to become executive editor of Commentary magazine. Bennett L. Aaron, chairman of the Jewish Publishing Group said in a statement: "We thank … Continue reading

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