Category Archives: Immigration

Rewriting America’s Immigration History

Steve Sailer writes: Perhaps what America needs now is a rewriting of the history of immigration in which the role of Jewish ethnocentrism in shaping today’s ruling mindset is forthrightly celebrated as a victory of Jewish ethnocentrism: e.g., Emma Lazarus … Continue reading

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Where Are The Bush Fans?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I want to expand my horizons and read some Bush and Rubio and Kasich supporters praising their candidates but I’m at a loss as to what publications have comment sections dominated by fans of these … Continue reading

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Immigrant Nation

Comments to Steve Sailer: * If the premise is ‘America is a nation of immigrants’, then America is no longer America unless it keeps taking in more immigrants. And it means immigrants are ‘more American’ than those with deep roots … Continue reading

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Mark Zuckerberg-Backed Immigration Bill Would Allow Unlimited Muslim Immigration

Know your enemy, and when you can, take revenge. From Breitbart: In January of 2015, a handful of Senators quietly introduced new legislation in Congress that would allow for virtually unlimited Muslim immigration into the United States – lifting caps … Continue reading

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NPR: How Billionaire Techies Hope To Reshape The Immigration Debate

Know your enemy and when you can, take revenge. NPR: The immigration-reform advocacy group founded by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg — (pronounced “forward U.S.”) — and funded by fellow Silicon Valley entrepreneurs including Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer … Continue reading

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