Rewriting America’s Immigration History

Steve Sailer writes: Perhaps what America needs now is a rewriting of the history of immigration in which the role of Jewish ethnocentrism in shaping today’s ruling mindset is forthrightly celebrated as a victory of Jewish ethnocentrism: e.g., Emma Lazarus wasn’t calling for letting in a lot of hot-headed Muslim anti-Semites, she was calling for letting in a lot of her fellow Jews. She wasn’t actually acting on universalist principles, she was just exploiting WASPs’ vulnerability, their weakness for idealistic spin.

Letting in millions of anti-Semite foreigners today is thus not the fulfillment but the betrayal of what Lazarus and other Jewish-American ancestors worked for.


* This whole “nation of immigrants” schema is arguably a Jewish cultural imprint on Americana. Before the 20th Century, Americans understood themselves to be a nation of settlers.

* Evidence for this is, actually, everywhere, if we care to look. Consider Obama’s recent public praise of a Syrian refugee, saying, “You are what makes America great.” (ABC News).

What?? A Syrian refugee who has lived in the USA for a very short period “makes America great”?! He literally hasn’t done anything…Yet it makes perfect sense in the context of the OP here.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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