Category Archives: Immigration

A Nation Of Immigrants

Comments to Steve Sailer: * We had the example of Sweden whose immigration policies have turned it into the rape capital of the world – Africa, and the posturing ponces in Washington still lecture on “A nation of Immigrants”. * … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: The Statue of Liberty Should Have a Bill of Rights Plaque

Steve Sailer writes: Here’s a video by Ami Horowitz showing Yale students signing a petition to repeal the First Amendment. Obviously, put that baldly, most people wouldn’t go for it, at this point. Still, it’s clear that large swathes of … Continue reading

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As lawmakers clash over refugees, Syrian immigration quietly tops 100,000 since 2012

From Fox News: A proposal to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States has ignited a bitter debate in Washington, but more than 10 times that number of people from the embattled country have quietly come to America since … Continue reading

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German Jews Fear Open-Door Migrant Policy Could Put Them ‘In Jeopardy’

Of course Muslim immigration puts Jews and non-Jews in jeopardy. No Jews in my personal life want more Muslims or more Africans or more Mexicans in America. From Breitbart: Echoing comments already made by others, a senior member of Berlin’s … Continue reading

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How Do We Head Off The Next Camp Of The Saints Surge?

Comment: The best place to warehouse large numbers of unwanted aliens is probably Puerto Rico. It’s US territory, the local economy and government badly need the boost, and if the unwanted escape from their dormitories (camps), they’ll have a very … Continue reading

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