Category Archives: Immigration

Mark Zuckerberg Warns Iowa Ahead of Vote to Reject Trump

From Breitbart: As first-in-the-nation Iowa voters prepare to caucus, open borders financier Mark Zuckerberg weighed in on the race through the president of his powerful immigration lobbying firm, In a Monday CNBC interview, President Todd Schulte made clear … Continue reading

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The End of an Era … for White Males?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It is kind of like when the villain goes out of his way explaining to the hero in precise detail how he intends to take over the world. * I know this is kinda concern … Continue reading

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The White Death and the Black Death

Steve Sailer writes: I coined the term “the White Death” to refer to the rise in death rates among non-elderly whites during this century. It appears to be related to overdoses from prescription painkillers and heroin. Nobody paid much, if … Continue reading

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LAT: Her pink Taser, poisoned hamburger patties and an iPhone: the story of a wife who lured an Orange County fugitive out of Iran

How is this woman allowed to practice law in California? Los Angeles Times: When three men escaped from the Orange County jail, officials quickly decided only one of the escapees possessed the cunning and resourcefulness to mastermind it: Hossein Nayeri, … Continue reading

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From 2013: Trump on immigration: Let in white Europeans

From on March 15, 2013: Republicans are on a “suicide mission” if they back a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the United States, and should be encouraging immigration by white Europeans, real estate mogul Donald Trump told … Continue reading

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