Category Archives: Immigration

High-Skill Immigration: Experimental Evidence

Harvard economics professor George J. Borjas writes: A couple of weeks ago I promised to summarize the evidence on whether high-skill immigration generates the productivity spillovers that would produce large economic gains for natives. I apologize for taking so long … Continue reading

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Kris Kobach – ‘Legal Eagle Of Immigration Restriction’ — Endorses Donald Trump

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Jeff Sessions and Kris Kobach are huge endorsements especially if you are single issue voter, and that issue is immigration. If you are such a voter and have been leaning to Cruz, or anyone else … Continue reading

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Europe Got Very Interesting In 2015

Steve Sailer writes: To me, Europe suddenly got very interesting around January 3, 2015 with word of the imminent publication of Houellebecq’s novel Submission. Within a week, Houellebecq was on the cover of Charlie Hebdo and much of the staff … Continue reading

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Tony Blair and Marco Rubio: Conspiracies of Silence on Immigration

Comments to Steve Sailer: * When you land at Heathrow these days, it is like you have arrived in a Third World port. You would never know it was a nation of white British people. Worse, the kind of Third … Continue reading

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Republican Establishment’s Open Borders Lifeboat Sinking with Rubio

Tom Tancredo writes: The establishment media won’t tell you this Tuesday, but the Republican Party civil war is over and the establishment lost. Both of the remaining front-runners, Trump and Cruz, are outsiders, and the insider, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)79% … Continue reading

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