Europe Got Very Interesting In 2015

Steve Sailer writes: To me, Europe suddenly got very interesting around January 3, 2015 with word of the imminent publication of Houellebecq’s novel Submission. Within a week, Houellebecq was on the cover of Charlie Hebdo and much of the staff was murdered. The Camp of the Saints built all spring, with Hillary-wrecked Libya as the prime leak. Then, suddenly in late summer, came Dr. Merkel’s own goal against the German people. More memorable incidents followed in Paris and Cologne.

The endurance of the Trump Phenomenon has something to do with the one car crash of the Anti-Trump, Dr. Merkel: experienced, boring, time-tested … and yet suddenly she turned viciously on her own people and was praised for it by everybody respectable until Paris and Cologne.


* This brought to mind all of the recent articles about objections to Trump from Mexican politicians. Interesting, but what does that have to do with the decision of Americans about who their next president will be?

It seems in many countries we are reaching a fork in the road. What is the purpose of a state? Is Germany for the welfare of Germans? Or is it also for looking after refugees (granted, the plight of many of these people is tragic?) What is the purpose of the US state? To look after the welfare of US citizens? Or to also accommodate as many immigrants as manage to enter the country, legally or illegally?

This will be decided in the US in November, which makes it a critical election.

* A woman who has clawed/is clawing her way up to the leadership of her country is congenitally unable to admit she’s ever been wrong. Female leaders are a lot worse about this than the men who have held the same jobs. It’s a female trait made worse by the rock-solid arrogance and belief in yourself that you need to compete in politics. Hillary Clinton has never admitted she’s been wrong, Margaret Thatcher never admitted that she’d been wrong, and I could go on and on. Indira Gandhi, Evita, Isabel Peron, Golda Meir, etc.

* Culturally left wing Germans including Merkel want to change Germany by making it a mixed race society. Through race mixing Germany can become homogeneous with the rest of Europe by becoming more mediocre. It will be the end to the Nordicism that they’ve learned to hate so much.

* The Trump campaign emailed reporters the following statement hailing Sessions’ endorsement:

Today Donald J. Trump received the endorsement of Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions. Senator Sessions is widely recognized as the nation’s most highly respected official on the issue of illegal immigration.

Mr. Trump stated, “I am deeply honored to have the endorsement of Senator Jeff Sessions, leader of congressional conservatives. He has been called the Senate’s indispensable man and the gold standard. He led the fight against the Gang of Eight, against Obama’s trade deal, against Obama’s judges, and for American sovereignty. He has stood up to special interests as few have. There is no more respected man in Congress and we are closely aligned on many issues, including trade and illegal immigration, and I am proud to consider Jeff Sessions an advisor, friend and ally.”

Mr. Trump and Senator Sessions surprised the massive crowd at the frontrunner’s Alabama rally just days before Super Tuesday Primary contest.

Senator Sessions added, “I am thrilled today to offer my endorsement of Donald J. Trump for President. This election is our last chance to save U.S. sovereignty and to end the domination of the political establishment over the interests of working Americans. Trump alone has rejected the donor class, defending America’s jobs and wages from open borders, uncontrolled immigration and the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership that will cede U.S. authority to foreign powers. Trump’s trade and immigration plans will revitalize our shrinking middle class, keeping jobs and wealth and income inside the United States of America. Trump understands that a nation must always place the interests of its own people first.”

Senator Sessions continued, “We are nearing fast the point of no return. The people are hurting. Their wages are declining. Their schools are overburdened. Their hospitals are stretched past the breaking point. Crime is up, and community confidence is down. Americans of all backgrounds and ethnicities, immigrant and US-born, are crying out for leadership that puts their needs first, that takes care of those living and dreaming here today, leadership that understands that there is no constituency other than the American constituency. Mr. Trump is that leader.”

* I think the contrast between Merkel and Putin worked in Trump’s favour. Merkel looked like a fool while Putin looked like the man with a plan, especially on Syria. All the craziness coming out of Paris, Cologne and a dozen other places in Europe only added to the sense that the West’s leadership has no clue what it’s doing and someone new is worth a try.

* Merkel has been bad on pretty much ALL the big issues:

Shutting down nuclear reactors after Fukushima was flat out stupid (even if you don’t believe in anthropogenic climate change).

On Greece she wasn’t the worst, but she should’ve done more to reign in the macroeconomic madness of Herr Schauble and the myopic creditors.

And now on immigration, an absolute disaster.

I love and respect Germany, but I’m afraid its fate is to find ever new ways to destroy Europe.

* Most PC Oscars ever, where sodomy and bardashery were celebrated, World War T was waged (“gender confirmation surgery”), blacks’ rioting was encouraged, open borders were affirmed, and global warming was sung.

* Chavez famously had some sort of TV show every week during his rule where he would extemporaneously speak for hours. I wonder if a President Trump will have something similar. Trump loves going on diatribes on TV against his enemies.

* The generous explanation is that immigration is the easiest way to shed the Holocaust burden. At some level Merkel and many other Germans just want to live in a normal country and not have to be confronted with the Nazi past every 5 minutes. One way to do this is to make Germany a multiracial society full of people whose ancestors weren’t there. Mesut Özil and Sami Khedira can’t be shamed with Nazi guilt. A Germany full of Özils and Khediras can start swinging its weight around Europe and the world again with a little more swagger. I can sympathize a little even if I think the policy is wrong headed and naive.

* Then the question becomes: will taking in refugees actually relieve Germany of the Holocaust Burden?

Dr. Merkel should consider that it’s not clear that defeating Hitler in the biggest war of all time has fully relieved America, Russia, and Britain of the Holocaust Burden.

* An economist would simply apply a holocaust/benefit analysis.

* If you start counting with Charlemagne, the Third Reich constitutes 1% of the history of the German nation.

Another war on the 1%.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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