Category Archives: Immigration

Why Does The Mormon Church Support Open Borders?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Mormons are fools who want the border open so they can “save” their souls.” Bingo! Not just “save their souls” but get access to their wallets. For years, the Mormon Church has been billing itself … Continue reading

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Republican Open Thread

At Steve Sailer: * Have y’all seen that Obama is skipping Nancy Reagan’s funeral to appear at South by Southwest? That guy has no class. * I’m starting to believe in the new Trump coalition. I was surprised to hear … Continue reading

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Socializing Costs, Privatizing Profits—Why America`s Rulers Don`t Want Hearings On The Senate Sellout

Steve Sailer wrote in 2006: Speaker of the House Denny Hastert announced last Wednesday that, rather than send House negotiators into the proverbial smoke-filled room with Senators to come up with a “compromise” immigration bill, the House would hold hearings … Continue reading

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Why Is High-Skill Immigration Beneficial?

Harvard economist George J. Borjas writes: A few days ago I was having a discussion about high-skill immigration with some people who should know better. It suddenly struck me that even though everyone favors more high-skill immigration, there is a … Continue reading

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High Immigration Levels Brings Wealth To The Protect At The Expense Of The Unprotected

Harvard economist George J. Borjas writes: I’ve been watching the civil war over immigration in the Republican party with ever-increasing interest. And let’s be honest–this really is a war for the soul of the party as there is almost nothing … Continue reading

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