All But The Elites Lose From Mass Immigration

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* All but the elites in the target society for mass immigration lose out either way.

If immigrants fail, they compete for public resources aimed at helping the poorest in society and if immigrants succeed they undercut indigenous workers, drive wages down and push indigenous poor and middle classes down the scale. And either way they promote potentially disastrous cultural and racial division in the target society.

Has there ever been a more brutally regressive policy than mass immigration, or a greater betrayal than the adoption of policies favouring mass immigration for ideological reasons by the supposed representatives of the labouring and lower social class elements of western societies? I doubt it. Not only do you push the less competitive members of your society out of work, you also import people to sit above them in the social hierarchy. A case of spitting on them as well as kicking them while they are down.

But hey, I’m sure the leftists genuinely believe that in the end the societal benefits in growth and competitiveness from importing cheaper workers to replace the weakest ones in their societies will “trickle down” to the latter, just as with tax cuts for the wealthy. And in the meantime they have all that cultural diversity to watch other people with money enjoying.

* 1) Trump has unleashed the forces of American nationalism. Millions of Americans now know they’re not alone, but they are part of a massive grassroots nationalist movement.

2) Trump has mercilessly bludgeoned the GOP establishment in public, and if all goes according to Hoyle, he will bring the GOP to its knees and open the door to a new American nationalist party.

3) Trump’s supporters have signaled to the elite/Deep State/globalists that massive numbers of Americans are aware, and they are not happy with the agenda.

* Trump understands that white guy competence is needed in the day-to-day operations of his businesses, but that blacks behaving badly is a great ratings grabber for his “learn how to be an MBA” teevee show. Omarosa got the fame she was seeking. Win-win-win all around, except for the expendable white dudes who were ultimately not as good as the guy who won that season.

Trump, at a fundamental level, gets AA is probably unfair, but that it’s a/not the hill he’s going to die on and b/is far down the voter’s priority list. Build wall. Build wall. Build wall.

* The theory that many liberals had was that if we just elected a black President all the republicans and other conservatives would realize that blacks were just as good (smart, virtuous etc.) as white people.

A major flaw in this scheme has been that we didn’t elect a black man. We elected a mulatto.

A mulatto teaches a very different lesson. First of all if the man is stupid his black heritage will be blamed – defeating the whole exercise. But if he turns out to be intelligent his brains will be attributed to his white fraction. So a mulatto will never be as transformational as the liberals had hoped. Obama being a part East African doesn’t even look like typical African Americans who are predominantly West Africans.

Obama also isn’t very dark. For almost a century there has been this argument that negroes are only hated and oppressed because of their skin shade. But Obama who really is of part African descent is lighter skinned that Governor Bobby Jindal who has no African heritage. Again Obama fails as an example for liberal race ideology.

By this time after almost two whole terms we the American electorate are supposed to have been transformed. We are supposed to now reject all our previos ideas of race because of Obama’s Presidency.

Going to the moon did something transformational. After we landed men on the moon it became a common remark about some difficult task to say ‘ We can certainly do that if we want to. After all we went to the moon.’ Of course the last several decades in which we have done less and less in space has dampened that kind of technological optimism. But the liberals really expected that Obama’s Presidency would by this time have simply stamped out the racism they attributed to lack of acquaintance with blacks.

But of course the opposite has taken place. Whites now are less likely to trust blacks in high office after they have seen how Eric Holder distorted the legal system to favor black rioting.

In the meantime on the ground far away from the media and government, race relations have not improved one bit. Black kids still drop out before they finish high school. Black kids still need substantial favoritism if they are going to get into and out of college. Blacks now have an average family income exactly half of that of East Asians in America. Blacks continue to commit crimes at five to ten times the rate of whites or Asians. And blacks have been unemployed at double white rates.

In other words Obama’s stay in office has done absolutely nothing meaningful for American blacks. Did I miss anything?

* It always irks me when the same people who believe man can control the climate tell us that we cannot control the flow of people. Let’s use the government to ensure the polar ice caps don’t melt and cause a rising tide of sea water, but the government is completely useless in stopping the rising tide of immigrants flooding the border.

* Nassim Nicholas Taleb goes further:

What we are seeing worldwide, from India to the UK to the US, is the rebellion against the inner circle of no-skin-in-the-game policymaking “clerks” and journalists-insiders, that class of paternalistic semi-intellectual experts with some Ivy league, Oxford-Cambridge, or similar label-driven education who are telling the rest of us 1) what to do, 2) what to eat, 3) how to speak, 4) how to think… and 5) who to vote for.

With psychology papers replicating less than 40%, dietary advice reversing after 30y of fatphobia, macroeconomic analysis working worse than astrology, microeconomic papers wrong 40% of the time, the appointment of Bernanke who was less than clueless of the risks, and pharmaceutical trials replicating only 1/5th of the time, people are perfectly entitled to rely on their own ancestral instinct and listen to their grandmothers with a better track record than these policymaking goons.

Indeed one can see that these academico-bureaucrats wanting to run our lives aren’t even rigorous, whether in medical statistics or policymaking. I have shown that most of what Cass-Sunstein-Richard Thaler types call “rational” or “irrational” comes from misunderstanding of probability theory.

* I’ve always gotten pushback from people across the political, ideological, racial, and ethnic spectrums — excepting blacks — for the simple assertion that blacks — as in the descendants of American slaves — are unique in American life.

There is no way around including the question of black progress in an assessment of the American Project.

One of the most enduring ways that the descendants of American slaves are unique is in the hijacking of their Slavery Story. Sailer and many commenters are incisive — if politically incorrect — in noticing that Jews, usually implicitly, at other times more overtly, ask Is it good for the Jews? After a half-century of mass immigration, every other multi-cultural contingent has joined that party.

Only for blacks is the question Is it good for us? verboten. The irony is that given our history, Is it good for the blacks? is the only such question we are obligated to ask in any relevant context.

Is continued mass immigration good for blacks? Barbara Jordan certainly didn’t think so 20 years ago. Is it good for blacks that they no longer own their Slavery Story? Below we see what has been lost by blacks in the transfer:

“[F]ram[ing] the goal of increasing opportunity for communities of color primarily as an imperative of social fairness [is misguided].”

In case you didn’t catch on the first time:

“[Black Progress, when subsumed into black and Hispanic progress, is no longer] primarily a moral obligation.”

* The United States is unique in many respects, but one of them is developing a race-based caste system -these are not uncommon at all- with no provision at all for mixed race people. This leads to all sorts of strange twists with American racial politics.

Philip Greenspun made the point that putting incompetent and corrupt members of minority groups in powerful position increases racism, because other people just assume that the incompetence and corruption is caused by being a member of the minority group. The first wave of Black mayors in this country did no favors towards race relations or the argument of putting Blacks in other powerful positions. However, I now take the view that white people have been too harsh on black mayors, including disasters such as Coleman Young and Marion Barry. The fact is that most white mayors historically have been pretty corrupt and often incompetent as well. Deindustrialized Detroit, by the Canadian border, is “sad”, as Trump would say, as is deindustrialized Buffalo, by the Canadian border (see,_New_York, note the damage was done before 2006). Toronto elected a crack-smoking white buffoon to be mayor. There are tons of clueless and often sleazy white supervisors in the workplace. Even Obama arguably was an improvement over his two predecessors.

* I remember checking out World Star Hip Hop back when both Mayor Rob Ford and President Putin were making waves at the same time. Rob Ford had the World Star demographic absolutely enthralled while Putin left them cold. Putin himself captured the imagination of millions of White guys, myself included. Why do I bring this up now? Because Trump manages to hit that sweet spot between Rob Ford’s full-tilt vibrancy and Vladimir Putin’s dramatic competence. If he manages to stay in that zone he could ride it all the way to the White House.

* Like Chris Rock at the Oscars, Trump should drive a wedge between blacks and all other “people of color.” How maddening must it be for blacks now to be an “and” next to half a dozen other racial grievance groups, recent arrivals all, none of whom can claim a deep history in this nation as blacks can? An Ixil day laborer or some Brahmin Indian now has a right to cut in front of blacks in the racial justice line? That can’t sit right with most blacks. Trump is for Americans, and this should very much mean that he is for black Americans against the pretenders.

America has existed for over two centuries with white/black tensions. It’s something we can exist with (and can hopefully solve some day). What America cannot continue to exist with are dozens of racial tensions. That’s the road to Balkanization, as one already sees in certain areas of Southern California and Texas. Trump needs to capitalize on this fact, and to make it explicit that reclaiming the American past includes the old, stable white/black dichotomy.

* Trump is basically Caesar, taking the risks of leading the populist revolt against the elite. Hopefully for him he merely loses an election instead of being killed by the elite.

I guess the problem post-Trump is that his Augustus has yet to be identified.

* This article enrages me on so many levels.

a) the demographic changes are entirely man-made and nefarious in intent

b) Trump hasn’t said anything bad about blacks or US citizens “of color.”

c) Politics in a multiethnic society is a zero sum game and the Democrats know that. That’s why they endlessly pander to the most blatantly anti-white impulses of blacks instead of trying to say things that everyone will be happy with. See: Bernie hating on white people the other night in order to answer a race-hustling question. See: both Hillary and Bernie pandering to BLM and pushing the narrative that Trayvon and Mike Brown were victims of anything besides their low IQs, high time preference and aggressive narcissism. To win black votes Dems (and cuckservatives) must constantly throw whites under the bus. One need not be a genius to notice this.

* What are the odds that a bunch of strangers with whom I share a lot of common cultural ties, who never knew or cared about me, will want to pay much higher taxes so I can continue to receive SS and Medicare in 15 years? What are the odds that a bunch of strangers who speak a different language, with a different and competing set of responsibilities will want to pay much higher taxes so I can continue to receive Social Security and Medicare in 15 years?

I don’t care how much they are earning, or if they can read, it requires more faith than I have to expect what are essentially cultural foreigners to work to support me. Multi-culti is not going to work out very well for a YUUGGE group of old white people.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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