Category Archives: Barack Obama

Michelle Obama Can’t Handle Being First Lady

That’s why she’s been drinking excessively reported the National Enquirer a few weeks ago. Matt Drudge has been hammering on the Obama marriage for months. I suspect he’s on to something. Now we have this report from the Daily Mail … Continue reading

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The Road

Post-apocalyptic movies such as The Road and The Book of Eli give me an eery feeling that I am watching the future of the United States. I don’t know if we can undo the damage that Obama has wrought. Report: … Continue reading

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Barack Obama’s Marriage Kaput?

I’ve noticed various stories on the Drudge Report over the past couple of months that indicate the president’s marriage is in trouble. This past week, I saw: White House reporters abuzz over wedding ring-less president… ‘It’s getting repaired’… On January … Continue reading

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Only Half Of Those Polled Regard Obama As A Christian

Here’s the news story. My thought — there’s little that is distinctively Christian about Obama. On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: Here are some possible reasons. * The only church we have him associated with celebrated race more … Continue reading

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The Slave Mentality

The Ibn Ezra (medieval Jewish commentator) said that Moses would not have attracted the respect he did among the Israelies if he had grown up as one of them (instead he was raised in Pharoah’s court). In his 1995 lecture … Continue reading

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