Category Archives: Barack Obama

President Obama Talks Differently To Black Audiences

Barack Obama has long employed a different accent when he’s talking to blacks than when he’s talking to everyone else. The guy seems like a phony to me and a panderer. Yahoo reports: “The first job of a journalist is … Continue reading

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Barack Obama Is Not Anti-Israel

On his radio show, Dennis Prager said Barack Obama is not anti-Israel. “He is a man of the left. Everything the left claims to stand for should make them the most powerful advocates of Israel in the world but it … Continue reading

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Obama Has Produced The Worst Economic Recovery Ever

From IBD: There are 2 million fewer private-sector jobs now than when Obama was sworn in, and the unemployment rate is 1.5 percentage points higher. • There are now more long-term unemployed than at any time since the government started … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘In Joplin, Obama Offers Healing Words to Residents’

Here’s the story: “In an emotive speech peppered by biblical homilies and pledges of national solidarity, Mr. Obama praised Joplin residents for coming together in the face of tragedy.” What is Obama? The Messiah? He brings “healing words”? Would the … Continue reading

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The Difference Between Netanyahu And Obama

When they were in their early 20s:

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