Category Archives: Barack Obama

Obama’s English

From the New York Times: “But while racial and ethnic minorities (and working-class whites) must continue to learn “standard” American English — the country’s dominant language — all children surely need to learn to understand and appreciate the nuances of … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: Dennis Prager’s Pre-Programmed Voting Advice

In an item posted below headlined “Bill Clinton Stole The Show,” Dennis Prager is quoted as having said recently on his radio program: If you want to be like Europe, vote for Barack Obama. If you want to undo the American belief … Continue reading

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Friends Antony Gordon, Avi Shafran Debate Obama

Antony Gordon, an Orthodox Jew from South Africa and a prominent member of the Fairfax-La Brea community, went to Harvard with Barack Obama. He writes this long essay against Obama. Rabbi Avi Shafran rejoins: It is painful to publicly criticize … Continue reading

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Did Barack Obama Give You A Tingle?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “The number of Americans who tingled at Barack Obama. The self-delusion on the part of every single person who believed in him is astonishing. He never did a thing for me, not … Continue reading

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Obama, Carter Didn’t Play Around

When President Obama took office, I expected him to be like Jimmy Carter. A friend says: Other than Jimmy Carter, have we ever before had a president who could not be tied to some woman other than his wife, going … Continue reading

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