Yisroel Pensack: Dennis Prager’s Pre-Programmed Voting Advice

In an item posted below headlined “Bill Clinton Stole The Show,” Dennis Prager is quoted as having said recently on his radio program:

If you want to be like Europe, vote for Barack Obama. If you want to undo the American belief that the state should be as small as possible and the individual as important as impossible, vote for Barack Obama. If you want the country to take on more and more unsustainable debt, vote for Barack Obama.

If you want the government to dictate more and more of your life, vote for Barack Obama. If you want to divide America into gender, racial and ethnic interest groups, vote for Barack Obama.

I am frightened by Barack Obama’s America.

Although I am a registered Republican, I will probably vote to reelect President Obama, but not for the “reasons” Prager disingenuously suggests. I am frightened by Paul Ryan’s Ayn Randian vision of America.

I reluctantly voted for our now demonstrably inept president the last time around, too. I was frightened in 2008 by the prospect of ignorant white trash (i.e., Sarah Palin) potentially winding up in the White House.

About Yisroel Pensack

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