Category Archives: Barack Obama

What Is The American President’s Place?

From The New York Times: “My greatest thrill is that Netanyahu was able to pull off a feat that in my opinion was not only good for the morale of Israel and the security of Israel, but finally put Obama … Continue reading

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Obama Reveals His Political Grand Strategy: The Hodgepodgization of America

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Sometimes, not always, but sometimes, in rare moments of despair, I wonder whether there is any longer space for an old-style assimilationist that I am. I feel caught between the dominant and suffocating paradigm of … Continue reading

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Whites Dislike Obama

REPORT: White Protestants overwhelmingly disapprove of Obama. White Catholics are slightly above the national White average. White Atheist support for Obama is way above the White average. Those eternal outsiders, the Jews, are the most pro-Obama of all. Hindus and … Continue reading

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Why Mr. Obama Plays So Much Golf

From comments to Steve Sailer: * You see a lot in racialist sites arguing that blacks’ resentment and surliness stems from some conscious or sub-conscious desire to be White, wanting more than anything what Whites have–their fine hair, fair skin, … Continue reading

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Obama Hospitalized With Acid Reflux, Needs Alexander Technique Lessons

(Reuters) – President Barack Obama, who had medical tests on Saturday after complaining of a sore throat, is suffering from acid reflux, the president’s physician said. “The president’s symptoms are consistent with soft tissue inflammation related to acid reflux and … Continue reading

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