Category Archives: Barack Obama

Obama The Muslimist

Comments to Steve Sailer: * So no President was better familiarized with the Islamic world, but few have made worse calls than the one Obama made over Syria. I don’t watch him on the news. Does he ever try to … Continue reading

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Is Obama Gay?

From JustNotSaid: But the one thing you never see is a joke implying that Obama presents a danger to white women, or a about Obama-as-rapist. Given that so many of the other jokes about him indulge in overt racial stereotypes, … Continue reading

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The First School Named After Barack Obama Surprisingly Struggles

Washington Post: To Samantha, the answer was obvious: race. She remembers looking around her neighborhood that year and realizing suddenly how race explained so many of the divisions in her life. On her street, she noticed for the first time … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Q. Is Obama a Muslim? A. He Was Raised to be a Muslimist

Steve Sailer writes: The President of the United States has long claimed to be a believing Christian. For many years, he trumpeted his decades of theological tutelage under his spiritual adviser Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Rev. Wright has made clear that, … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: ‘Has anyone ever asked the President if the main result of his Libya policy, the current Camp of the Saints in the Mediterranean, strikes him as a bug … or as a feature?’

Comments to Steve Sailer: * We are living at a decision point that is every bit as consequential, if not more so, as any in the last century. Western culture has voted for hedonism, self-righteousness, and for demographic and cultural … Continue reading

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