Category Archives: Books

What Is A ‘Soft Block’?

I was just checking out my “holds” at and saw that my borrower status was “soft block.” So I Googled the matter and could find no info on what a “soft block” is and what I’ve done to enter … Continue reading

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Fly Fishing With Darth Vader: And Other Adventures with Evangelical Wrestlers, Political Hitmen, and Jewish Cowboys

Author Matt Labash emails: Hey Luke, long time, no talk. Thought you should know my new book’s out, and you’re in it. The porners meet the professors piece, in which you served as my guide. The book is kind of … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: Imagine The Difference — If They Had All Just First Taken The Time To Read This Book

I wonder if this book and these three articles will now become required reading for animal lab technicians and researchers at Yale University and graduate students at Columbia University.

Posted in Academia, Aish HaTorah, Animals, Books, Christianity, Crime, Education, Intermarriage, Judaism, Weddings, Yisroel Pensack | Tagged , | Comments Off on Yisroel Pensack: Imagine The Difference — If They Had All Just First Taken The Time To Read This Book

Jewish Bookstores In A Declining Economy

From Hirhurim: Here’s a great interview with Danny Levine, the owner of a Jewish bookstore in midtown Manhattan, where he gives his view on the current state of the Jewish book industry. Keep in mind that he is a bookstore … Continue reading

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Have You Broken Up Over A Book?

I don’t think I’ve ever broken up over a book, but a certain woman’s love for Emmanuel Levinas certainly put a strain on our relationship. She always wanted that intimate face-to-face I-thou stuff. It was exhausting. Josh:  i actually broke … Continue reading

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