Category Archives: Beth Jacob

If Rav Schachter Says March, They March

I was fascinated by the Meir Kin case. Not the messy details of the divorce, but the side issue of three Modern Orthodox shuls in Pico-Robertson repeatedly sending their members to picket outside the home of Meir Kin’s parents. I … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Jacob, Bnai David-Judea, Dennis Prager, Meir Kin, Personal, YICC | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on If Rav Schachter Says March, They March

Divorce Protest In Los Angeles

Rebecca Spence writes for the Forward: Los Angeles — On the day known as Ta’anit Esther — when observant Jews fast before Purim — more than 150 members of Los Angeles’s close-knit Orthodox community gathered for a protest rally outside … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Jacob, Divorce, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, R. Steven Weil, R. Yosef Kanefsky | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Divorce Protest In Los Angeles

Did Meir Kin Refuse To Give His Wife A Divorce?

Mort emails: "Ok, I read your protest about Kin not wanting to give a Get. I’m confused now. Is he the problem, or is she the one causing problems?" From Beth Jacob: To the Los Angeles Jewish Community, ORA: The … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Jacob, Bnai David-Judea, Divorce, Meir Kin, Pico/Robertson, RCC, YICC | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Did Meir Kin Refuse To Give His Wife A Divorce?

Rabbi Weil Organizes An OU Retreat For Elite Rabbis

Did you hear that Rabbi Weil convened a special OU meeting/retreat last weekend in Los Angeles with six of the top rabbis in the country? What went on there? A source says: "It was a rabbinic training event for nearly … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Jacob, Orthodox Union, R. Steven Weil | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Rabbi Weil Organizes An OU Retreat For Elite Rabbis

I’m Tired Of The Fluffy Treatment The Jewish Journal Gives ‘Progressive’ Orthodox Judaism

The rabbis must be happy when they can have one of their own write these stories. That way they won’t be asked any tough questions. This is what I call unethical journalism — having someone you control report on you. … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Jacob, Bnai David-Judea, Daniel Korobkin, Ethics, Jewish Journal, Jewish Journalism, Modern Orthodox, Pico/Robertson, YICC | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on I’m Tired Of The Fluffy Treatment The Jewish Journal Gives ‘Progressive’ Orthodox Judaism