Category Archives: Education

Seek Good School System, With Not Too Many Black Kids

John Derbyshire writes on House hunting in the New York suburbs in 1992, my (Chinese-born) wife and I were once sitting in the office of a realtor, an American lady, trying to spell out just what we were looking … Continue reading

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Real Estate Magnate Aron Abecassis Leaving Etz Jacob

I hear Nancy Fields, former head of secular education at Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy, is going with him. Abecasis is the president of the board. He received a glowing portrait in the June 9, 2006 Jewish Journal: A go-getter who … Continue reading

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Daily Bruin Columnist: Give Kicking Rabbi The Boot

David Lazar writes: …But Hillel has allowed Seidler-Feller to serve as director of UCLA‚Äôs branch, which is an embarrassment to the campus community. If not for the shocking and inexcusable nature of the attack itself, Seidler-Feller should be let go … Continue reading

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University Of Judaism To Buy Brandeis-Bardin Institute?

BBI is in serious financial trouble and if the UJ does not buy it, BBI will have to sell off much of its land. BBI owns more land than any other Jewish institution in America.

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Which Jewish Day School Is Most Likely To Put Your Kids On Ritalin

Ohr Eliyahu Hillel Harkham Maimonidies Shalhevet If I was stuck in school for eight hours a day, I’d go crazy too. Frank writes: "The all time winner in this competition must be Adat Ari El. Virtually every boy in their … Continue reading

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