Category Archives: Education

MINDsprinting Interview

I talked by phone Tuesday morning with Doug Golden, who co-founded with his brother Steve. Luke: "How did you get involved in this?" Doug: "I was an attorney for 25 years. My brother [Steve] founded an internet company that … Continue reading

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Los Angeles Jewish Day Schools Hurting Financially

They all seem to be running deficits of at least $1 million and all are making budgetary cutbacks. Because of the economic downturn, parents in Beverly Hills in particular are pulling their kids out of Jewish day schools and sending … Continue reading

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Sinai Temple Vs. Stephen S. Wise Day Schools

I was asked for the difference. I said Sinai was more traditional. It’s a Conservative temple while Stephen S. Wise is Reform. I got this follow-up: "Can you give me a brief profile of the kids/families/moms at each? I mean … Continue reading

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The Role Of Midrash In Orthodox Jewish Education

I heard a talk decrying the use of midrash as a literature co-extensive with the Bible. Midrash is not so much scriptural interpretation as homiletics (inspiring stories), said the Orthodox rabbi, citing Maimonides. When we treat midrash as equal to … Continue reading

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Jewish Education

George D. Hanus (chairman of the Superfund for Jewish Education and Continuity, the World Jewish Digest and the Jewish Broadcasting Network) writes: Where are the Jewish Federations? They are allegedly the central community charity chests in every local community. There … Continue reading

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