Category Archives: Education

Three New Regimes at LA’s Modern Orthodox High Schools

Jane emails: "Write about the 3 new heads of school in Modern Orthodox high schools – Rabbi Glass at YULA Boys, Rabbi Lieberman at YULA Girls, and Rabbi Weinbach at Shalhevet. Find out what students have to say about R’ … Continue reading

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Good News For Jewish Day Schools

Marvin Schick writes: In the best of economic times, most Jewish schools struggle to meet their obligations and they are not able to provide or forced to cut back on services and educational options that would enhance the learning experience. … Continue reading

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Blacks Score 20% Lower On SATs

From the WSJ: High-school students’ performance on SAT college-entrance exams stalled, and the gap widened between low-scoring minority groups and the overall population, raising questions about the quality of teaching in U.S. schools. Average scores for the class of 2008 … Continue reading

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The Wars of Torah

Jonathan Rosenblum writes for The Jerusalem Post: Teenage haredi girls receive a secular education that is on a par with, and likely superior to, the average student in the state education system. Increasingly, haredi women are going into hi-tech, accounting … Continue reading

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Orthodox Rabbi Advocates Free Love

I caught the Shabbos morning sermon by Shalhevet’s new moral leader Rabbi Elchanan Weinbach. He noted that the Talmud says the second temple was destroyed because of needless hatred (sinat chinam) among Jews. Rabbi Weinbach gave the familiar but impractical … Continue reading

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