Category Archives: Education

Support For Teachers Outside Hamilton High School

These shots were taken this morning. I get an email: “Come and check it out. Everyone is honking their horns. Plus how often are students out supporting their teachers?”

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Paying For Jewish Day Schools

From Hirhurim: OU Plans to Foster Major Savings in Non-Academic Yeshiva Expenses (link): With the encouragement and participation of a growing number of yeshivot and day schools across North America, the Orthodox Union is quickly moving ahead with a two-pronged … Continue reading

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‘Fundamentalism and the Fear of Truth’

Rabbi Gil Student writes on Hirhurim: Atid published a new booklet, Teaching Toward Tomorrow: Setting an Agenda for Modern Orthodox Education, that contains essays from a symposium on the current state and future directions of Modern Orthodox education. The essays … Continue reading

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Touro College Opens In Los Angeles

Lindsay Kuhn writes in the Jewish Journal: "At Touro, students are not exposed to literature or films they would consider immodest or indecent, or to a campus life that challenges Orthodox values. Men and women have separate classes at Touro, … Continue reading

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Shalhevet ‘Finally Frum’

"Frum" is Jew-speak for religious. Shalhevet’s new head of school, Rabbi Elchanan Weinbach, is getting good reviews around the Orthodox community for bringing in religious discipline. Shalhevet’s sophomore class is down to just eleven students. Shalhevet needs at least 40 … Continue reading

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