Category Archives: Germany

Eternal Judaism

Joe emails: I seriously find major fault with Bnai David. The use of time and money to feed the local homeless population, which are mostly psychotics (any sane homeless person lives by the beach in Venice Santa Monica) is a … Continue reading

Posted in Bnai David-Judea, Germany, Haredi, Homeless, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, Pico/Robertson | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Eternal Judaism

Dull Books For Yom Kippur

I afflicted my soul on Yom Kippur by reading a couple of very dull, poorly written academic books on Judaism. The first one had the exciting title: Between Redemption and Doom: The Strains of German-Jewish Modernism. I gave up on … Continue reading

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German Rabbinic School About To Close

Report: Potsdam, Germany – The global financial firestorm unleashed by the meltdown in America’s risky mortgage business is starting to sweep through aspects of life which might have seemed immune to a shakeout in shares and the banking system. But … Continue reading

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