Category Archives: ADL

WP: How America’s dying white supremacist movement is seizing on Donald Trump’s appeal

Washington Post: The same rhetoric that frightens critics (“Trump has really lifted the lid off a Pandora’s box of real hatred and directed it at Muslims,” said the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Mark Potok) draws praise from supporters such as … Continue reading

Posted in ADL, America, Blacks, Donald Trump, Whites | Comments Off on WP: How America’s dying white supremacist movement is seizing on Donald Trump’s appeal

US Orthodox Jewish groups reject Trump call to bar Muslims

Jewish groups have universally lined up against Donald Trump on repeated occasions. In other words, they’re siding with the coalition of the fringe (homosexuals, blacks, trannies, latinos, Muslims, etc) against America’s white Christian core. Regular Jews, however, tend to be … Continue reading

Posted in ADL, Donald Trump, Islam, Orthodox Union, RCA | Comments Off on US Orthodox Jewish groups reject Trump call to bar Muslims

Colorado ACLU Board Member: Shoot Trump Voters ‘Before Election Day’

The American Civil Liberties Union is not concerned primarily with civil liberties and the Anti-Defamation League is not primarily concerned with defamation. These are radical left-wing Jewish organizations that seek to weaken and destroy the white Christian core of America. … Continue reading

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Jewish Organizations React To Trump’s Proposal To Ban Muslim Immigration

I don’t know a Jew in my personal life who wants more Muslims in Israel or more Muslims in the West. Jewish organizations (though rarely normal Jews) such as the ADL, however, are using Because Holocaust with greater frequency and … Continue reading

Posted in ADL, Diversity, Donald Trump, Islam, Jews, Nationalism | Comments Off on Jewish Organizations React To Trump’s Proposal To Ban Muslim Immigration

Simon Wiesenthal Center Policing Web, Gets Rid Content It Does Not Like Through Partnership With Google, Twitter, Facebook

Yahoo reports: SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Facebook, Google and Twitter are stepping up efforts to combat online propaganda and recruiting by Islamic militants, but the Internet companies are doing it quietly to avoid the perception that they are helping the … Continue reading

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