Category Archives: Rabbis

Orthodox Rabbis Lead Fight To Muzzle Alleged Victims Of Abuse

ABC News reports: Engelman’s is among a handful of publicized cases of alleged abuse within the insular Orthodox Jewish community. But alleged victims and their advocates say it is far from an isolated instance. The Brooklyn district attorney’s office, which … Continue reading

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The Lives of the Gedolim

Dr. Marc B. Shapiro gave a lecture for Torah in Motion on writing history vs. writing hagiography. Near the end, he takes a question: "Why should we be tolerant of the hagiographical Artscroll approach? Just to take it to a … Continue reading

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Beth Am Chooses Elliot Dorff’s Son-In-Law As New Rabbi

Rabbi Dr. Elliot Dorff is the rector at American Jewish University and a key member of Temple Beth Am (he’s a regular at the Library Minyan downstairs). Scores of Conservative rabbis were inspired to take up their calling by Elliot … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Am, Conservative Judaism, R. Adam Kligfeld, R. Elliot N. Dorff, Rabbis | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Beth Am Chooses Elliot Dorff’s Son-In-Law As New Rabbi

Rabbis, Converts & Jewish Law

I got into a discussion via email with Orthodox rabbi Yehuda Yonah Rubinstein who wanted me to remove from my website a claim that he was a convert to Judaism. I decided to publish our private email exchange after he … Continue reading

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Anti-Zionist Orthodox Rabbi Speaks In Oxford

I think it is disgusting when Jews try to shut down speeches by anti-Zionists. It only makes us look bad. It does no good. Let a thousand flowers bloom. From the Oxford Mail: More than 60 people attended a talk … Continue reading

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