Category Archives: Rabbis

Which Pico-Robertson Business Are Sporting That Coveted Rabbinic Ethics Certification?

"Peulat Sachir." Pico-Robertson’s Modern Orthodox rabbis launched this initiative a few months ago. It got a lot of publicity from the obeisant Jewish press. Does it make any difference in the way anyone does business today? I’ve not heard anyone … Continue reading

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Remembering Slain Israeli Gays

Is there any hip ethical movement in Modern Orthdooxy that Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld is not a leader of? JTA reports: WASHINGTON (JTA) — An Orthodox rabbi spoke out against anti-gay rhetoric in the Orthodox community at a Washington vigil mourning … Continue reading

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Brooklyn Blogs Buzzing About Arrested Rabbis

From the New York Times: On a blog catering to young Syrian Jews in Brooklyn (where almost everyone has a blog), one comment seemed to crystallize the mix of puzzlement and dark humor emerging in some parts of their community … Continue reading

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Rabbis Arrested On Charges Of Money-Laundering

If the feds audited yeshivas, I suspect they would find more cases of illegality than innocence. Report: FBI and IRS rounded up scores of elected officials and several rabbis across the state in what is being described as one of … Continue reading

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In heretofore secret documents now finally unveiled by the Leader, Reb Moshe lays out his plans for his very own website (grammatical and spelling mistakes are in the original): Through the gift of ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), HaShem showed me … Continue reading

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