Category Archives: Rabbis

Crying To The Rabbi

A lot of Jews in Pico-Robertson and around the world go crying to the rabbi that I’ve written something that has upset them. Mate, just because you can work yourself into tears while complaining about me is no evidence that … Continue reading

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Visiting Rabbis’ Graves Outside Of Israel Is Idolatry

Many of my friends are at Uman, in central Ukraine, to daven at the graveside of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. I don’t know much about the issues involved in this matter, but from the little I know, I agree with … Continue reading

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Reform Responsa

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: When you think of Reform responsa, you automatically think of Reform Rabbi Solomon Freehof, who published some eight volumes of responsa (on Freehof, see the article in Wikipedia – link – and listen to the … Continue reading

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Rita Pauker Vs. Rabbi Samuel Ohana

Here’s my Feb. 23, 2009 report on this dispute over four Torah scrolls. The Jewish Journal reported April 15, 2009: North Hollywood widow Rita Pauker plans to appeal a recent L.A. Superior Court decision that would bar her from reclaiming … Continue reading

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Will Rabbis Take Up Obama’s Healthcare Challenge?

How many rabbis will be able to resist the urge to pontificate during the Days of Awe about matters on which they know little? Noam Neusner writes in the Forward: In the hands of Obama the potter, American Jews are … Continue reading

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