Category Archives: Rabbis

Rabbi Hershel Shachter’s Rav Revisionism

Marc B. Shapiro blogs: It is common to hear among YU figures the expression “hakhmei ha-mesorah,” referring to authoritative rabbinic spokesmen. Readers can correct me if I am mistaken, but I don’t think that this expression, with the meaning currently … Continue reading

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Dancing With The Rabbis

Dennis Prager writes: I guess one can say that with “Dancing With the Rabbis,” the movement toward “the rabbi is just one of us” reached its apotheosis. Our rabbis — or at least the rabbis who participated — are just … Continue reading

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How Much Sexual Misconduct Can A Rabbi Get Away With?

Should it be one strike and you’re out? I think so. A rabbi is not just a rabbi to a specific congregation, he’s a rabbi to all of the Jewish people. If he can’t keep his pants zipped up, he … Continue reading

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Rabbi Wikileaks

Curious emails: I say start up a Rabbi Wikileaks. Expose all their foibles. Who’s eating pork? Who’s using electricity during the Sabbath? Who got drunk on the Dennis Prager cruise? Tell us, Luke. Tell us all.

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R. Elchonon Wasserman

Jeff emails: “He was the most strident in keeping people from leaving. He was close to the Chofetz Chaim. I was never a big Litvak fan, despite all the postings on the internet with the revisionist ArtScroll history, I actually … Continue reading

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