Category Archives: Alexander Technique

Alexander Technique & Revolutionary Road

I’m reading this novel by Richard Yates and I’m struck by the number of allusions to Alexander Technique. I have no reason to believe that Yates ever heard of the technique, but here’s a profound insight from his novel: "And … Continue reading

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How Does The Alexander Technique Work?

How does the Alexander Technique work? What are the authors findings about the clinical and cost effectiveness of the treatment? From the British Medical Journal: From the British Medical Journal:

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When Alexander Technique Clashes With Kundalini Yoga

I just completed my twelfth week of training to become a teacher of Alexander Technique (AT). I am one-ninth of my way through the program. I heard today from a great AT guru that I have "sensitive kinesthesia." My knowledge … Continue reading

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A Solution To Back Pain

Before I studied Alexander Technique, I had chronic back pain. My back would go out on me several times every year and I’d have to take to bed. I also had chronic shoulder and neck pain and constant headaches. These … Continue reading

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The Racism Of F. Matthias Alexander

Aussie F.M. Alexander invented the Alexander Technique, which I study for three hours a day. I was reading through his book "Man’s Supreme Inheritance" (initially published in 1910) because I heard there were some naughty bits. What a motherlode I … Continue reading

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