Category Archives: Alexander Technique

How the Alexander Technique can help with Eating Disorders

“Shirley Wade-Linton, an Alexander Technique teacher and Registered Dietitian in Courtenay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia talks with Robert Rickover about ways in which the Technique can help people with eating disorders.” Shirley: “Because people with eating disorders almost by definition … Continue reading

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How Alexander Technique Can Help Your Running

Author Malcolm Balk tells Robert Rickover: “The energy in the body follows your thought. When you have the thought of going up towards the head, they become live weight. They’re not dead weight. It’s the difference between carrying a kid … Continue reading

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F.M. Alexander Would’ve Fit In With Downton Abbey

According to Wikipedia: “Alexander arrived London in June 1904, and quickly acquired a fine wardrobe, a manservant, and a smart address at the Army & Navy Mansions in Victoria Street. As he later said “In those days, you just couldn’t … Continue reading

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Listen to the whispers, so you don’t have to hear the screams

Sarah Chatwin blogs: “…I would have been far better off paying attention to the fuzzy feeling of illness when it first wrapped it’s tentacles around me, instead of soldiering on and achieving nothing except making my own life a little … Continue reading

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A Mindfulness Course

“Amy Ward Brimmer, an Alexander Technique teacher in New Town and Philadelphia, Pennsyvania again talks with Robert Rickover about her experiences with negative directions and about their usefulness for teachers and students.” Amy talks about a mindfulness course she took … Continue reading

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