Category Archives: Alexander Technique

Baby Alexander Technique

Let’s hope that little Hazel’s setback with Baby Alexander Technique doesn’t impact her chances for the 2014 Olympics. A gold medal in Curling will look great on a pre-school resume. Season 2, Episode 3: “Primary Care Giver” from The Slope … Continue reading

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Reb Moshe Sat Up Straight

When I mention the Alexander Technique to people, they often stiffen and push themselves up in a rigid way. “Is this good Alexander Technique?” they often ask. No, it is not. You’d be better off with your habitual slump, I … Continue reading

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What’s The Training Difference Between An Alexander Teacher And A Yoga Teacher?

A typical yoga teacher has taken a course of about 200 hours, often done in 12-hour stretches on weekends. An Alexander Technique teacher trains for three hours a day, five days a week, 36 weeks a year, for three years … Continue reading

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The Tension Patterns Of Chairman Mao

Mao Zedong was the biggest murderer in history. He killed about 75 million of his own people. Mao did not move with elegance and ease and his Little Red Book contains no exhortations to free the neck so the head … Continue reading

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Triumph of the Will

On Mondays, I like to watch Triumph of the Will, a 1935 Nazi propaganda film by Leni Riefenstahl. In his closing speech, Adolf Hitler starts out with good use. His head floats up and his face is clear of tension. … Continue reading

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