Category Archives: Facebook

The Facebook Page For Levi Aron – The Creep Who Kidnapped And Murdered That Hasidic Boy

Levi Aron on Facebook. Thank God we don’t have any friends in common. His ex-wife Debbie.

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Your Facebook Friends Drop – Does It Necessarily Mean Somebody Defriended You?

I hear from people who becomes curious and concerned when they notice that their number of friends on Facebook has dropped without explanation. What’s going on here? Have they been defriended? I was on a friend’s profile to send her … Continue reading

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Best Facebook Update Of The Day

From my Orthodox friend M: “can’t find my Stripper’s Pants. Had planned to tear them off at a religious wedding tonight to reveal Red Spandex trousers underneath. The only possibly conclusion: God Wants Me To Keep My Trousers On. At … Continue reading

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Women who post lots of photos of themselves on Facebook value appearance, need attention, study find

Here’s the key graph: “The people who tended to base their self worth on things like academic competence, family love and support, and being a virtuous or moral person spent less time online and showed less interest in attention-seeking through … Continue reading

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I Can’t Wait To See The New Facebook Movie

Sharon Waxman nails it: It seems to me that Facebook has forgotten the most basic rule of public relations and marketing: any publicity is good publicity, of course. The movie will only draw more attention to the site. It will … Continue reading

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