Category Archives: Facebook

Who Runs The Internet?

I found this list online of Jews running internet companies. I don’t care that the list comes from an anti-Jewish site, I am only interested in what is true. I don’t think Jews need to hide Jewish successes. Google, Facebook … Continue reading

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How To Use Facebook

Under most posts I read on is a button allowing you to share the post on your own wall. Many times when I do that, I then get a request from the original poster to delete the post or … Continue reading

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What Happened To Her Relationship Status On FB?

I’ve wasted a lot of time in therapy talking about my hopes for various women simply based on the fact that they removed their relationship status from Facebook and I hoped that meant they were ready for me to swoop … Continue reading

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My Favorite FB Posters

My fave FB posts tend to come from the following persons: * Monica Showalter * Monica Osborne * Lewis Fein * Kate Coe * Amy Alkon * Heshy Fried * John Leo * Drew Friedman * Kipp Friedman * Clare … Continue reading

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I Lost A Facebook Friend

I was relieved to discover over Succot that when a friend drops me as a Facebook friend, it doesn’t mean he necessarily cuts me off in real life. He did say in the succah something about the over the top … Continue reading

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