Author Archives: Luke Ford

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (

WP Op/Ed: How the media sleepwalked into Biden’s debate disaster

Megan McCardle writes July 11, 2024 in the Washington Post: [M]ainstream outlets did report on the president’s age, even if too gently. Why were we so gentle? Well, there’s a broad journalistic norm against picking on physical characteristics (which is … Continue reading

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Joe Biden Press Conference (7-11-24)

01:00 Live coverage of Joe Biden’s press conference03:00 Joe Biden takes questions 54:40 Megan McCardle: How the media sleepwalked into Biden’s debate disaster, Rabbis, Converts & Jewish Law, Can Converts Become Rabbis?, Dissecting the trope: “This is … Continue reading

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We’re Hours Away From Joe Biden Dropping Out (7-10-24)

05:00 Biden digs in, Why do the Democrats get stuck with white senile pols? Trump was headed for a landslide prior to the debate, Megyn Kelly: George Clooney Wants Biden Out, Nancy Pelosi Wavers, and Elites are … Continue reading

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Slate: How the Right Won the Hawk Tuah Girl – This is a huge, huge problem for Democrats

Luke Winkie writes for Slate July 3, 2024: …you tend to wield the internet for the pursuit of pleasure and nothing else—then you will be perceived to be right wing. And frankly, that is not a sustainable electoral model. The … Continue reading

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Blacks vs Jews, Elites vs Grassroots in the Joe Biden Story (7-9-24)

01:00 Jews vs blacks on whether or not Joe Biden should step down03:20 Media pretend to be shocked by Joe Biden’s cognitive decline06:00 Liberals Were Blinded To Biden’s Senility By Their Own Speech Codes, John Ellis says Joe Biden … Continue reading

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