Condi Rice For VP


* Does Condi Rice have much appeal to anyone but neocons? One of the problems with her is that black politicians are disinclined to stick with the program if it’s going to get in the way of their blackness. Didn’t Condi imply that she voted for Obama?

* Apart from other considerations, it would be hard to attack Hillary on her Iraq vote in the Senate with one of the major architects and promoters of the Iraq War on the ticket as VP running mate. Preposterous suggestion. As was the suggestion by the earlier poster of Newt Gingrich. While I enjoy hearing his very intelligent discussion and analysis of the political situation on Fox News, I strongly opposed Gingrich in 2012 because he was too wedded to the neocon foreign policy (he was largely financed by Sheldon Adelson after all) and too tied up with the Washington establishment. You can tell that Gingrich is dying to be named #2. A much better pick, imo, would be Mike Huckabee. Although I have never been a fan or supporter, I have long been an admirer of his political skill. He is very articulate and gets his ideas across in a very pleasant way. He was probably the best natural politician running in 2012. His religion comes across in a much more acceptable way than Ted Cruz’s. So he would be a real way for Trump to heal any problems with the evangelicals. His experience in Arkansas against the Clintons would prove handy against Hillary. He’s only 60, just the right age for a running mate. A long shot, for sure, but I hope he is on Trump’s short list. Otherwise, I am at a loss to come up with an acceptable running mate.

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Kelly Ripa’s Son Was So Over-Exposed to Homosexuals Getting ‘Married’ that He Thought Normal, Heterosexual Marriage Might Be Illegal — She Tells GLAAD

LINK: Kelly Ripa is in the news is for something that is–from an eternal Truth perspective–far less significant and newsworthy than the heart-breaking story below. Because this story involves the moral and spiritual confusion of a boy raised in a politically correct world gone mad–imbibing a level of cultural decadence unimaginable only a few decades ago:

“New York Values”? To get a feel for how utterly out-of-touch New York City-based media are with the average American, check out this May 2015 speech by Kelly Ripa, co-host of the ABC morning show “Live with Kelly and Michael [Strahan].” In the video, Ripa is accepting an award from GLAAD, the homosexual media pressure organization formerly known as the “Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Discrimination.”

Beginning around the 5:15 mark, she shares a story about her son, Joaquin, born in 2003. The context is her family life following New York State’s legalization of homosexual “marriage” in 2011:

“A few years ago, our youngest son, Joaquin, asked me if it was illegal for me to be married to Mark [her husband]–because all of our friends at that time who were getting married were same-sex couples. And it dawned on him…that a heterosexual couple getting married might actually be illegal.”

This speech captures the zeitgeist of big-city liberalism and the New York City-dominated media’s radical pro-“gay” embrace better than almost anything I have seen. Ripa praises her good friend and open homosexual Anderson Cooper of CNN, and is hopeful that the U.S. Supreme Court would make same-sex “marriage” the law of the land–which it effectively did with its nature-defying Obergefell v. Hodges ruling shortly after this event, on June 26, 2015.

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NYT: At Warby Parker, a Sense of Exclusion in a Low Price

Comment: This NYT article At Warby Parker, a Sense of Exclusion in a Low Price about ‘cheap’ glasses reminds me of Steve’s country club exclusion theory of Jewish projection vexation.

Ginia Bellafante writes:

The story of Warby Parker more or less conforms to this narrative: One of the young student-founders lost his glasses on a backpacking trip, discovered that they were too expensive to replace, squinted for months and then, with friends who could relate, built a company in 2010…

The actual founding (and founders) omitted from Ginia’s article (from Wikipedia):

The company was founded in 2010 by Neil Blumenthal, Andrew Hunt, David Gilboa, and Jeffrey Raider, and is headquartered in New York City. The name “Warby Parker” derives from two characters that appear in a journal by the Beat Generation writer Jack Kerouac.

Too bad “Stratton Oakmont” was already taken. Wikipedia:

The company was started in the Venture Initiation Program of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where the founders all studied.

This WASPy-sounding company has been wildly successful. However, there may be some casualties among humble descendants of poor, huddled masses. NYT again:

Imagine how you would feel, though, if you had been selling eyewear for decades, and your origin story dated not to the era of Malia Obama’s middle-school years but to the period of Ellis Island arrivals and mass emigration from Minsk. Both Moscot and Cohen’s Fashion Optical are New York institutions that began as pushcart businesses, with immigrant founders — Hyman Moscot and Abe Cohen — selling eyeglasses on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in the early 20th century. Their flagship stores are cater-corner from each other on Orchard and Delancey Streets. Moscots and Cohens still run the businesses, and they have been forced to respond to Warby Parker’s Occupy Eyewear agenda.

I hate it when the ‘little guy’ gets squeezed by snobby Haven Monahans:

Cohen’s faces the challenge of trying to seem hip as a franchise business with 130 stores.

Here I agree with Ginia, antifa can go to hell:

As an aesthetic, antifashion as fashion is annoying and alienating

Ultimately, it comes down to feelings, nothing more than feelings:

A store like Cohen’s never makes you feel like a loser. Maybe it should post that outside of every branch, and declare a social victory.

* I don’t get the snark aimed at Warby Parker. I’m not a customer, but I give the founders credit: They started a hugely successful company, that lowered prices in an industry dominated by one manufacturer (, and the donated lots of eyeglasses along the way (they donate one pair for every pair sold). What exactly is your problem with them, that they didn’t use the founders’ names as the company name?

* I think Errican’s point was that the anger at Warby Parker expressed by Ginia Bellafante is due to the fact that a WASPy-sounding company is outcompeting a Jewish-sounding company (Cohen’s Fashion Optical), even though at least one of the company’s founders (Neil Blumenthal) is Jewish.

Assuming that Errican is saying that Ginia Bellafante is Jewish (her appearance would suggest that, although the name doesn’t sound Jewish to me and I can’t find anything saying that she is Jewish), the point appears to be that she is trying to blame WASPs for intra-Jewish competition.

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“We are Assata’s Daughters”

Comment: If you think the Trayvon Martin Foundation was named in bad taste, I present to you Daughters of Assata:

“We are Assata’s Daughters”

Who is Assata? Full name Assata Shakur, born JoAnne Deborah Byron. From wikipedia:

In May 1973, Shakur was involved in a shootout on the New Jersey Turnpike, in which she was accused of killing New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster and grievously assaulting Trooper James Harper.[6] BLA member Zayd Malik Shakur was also killed in the incident, and Shakur was wounded.[6] Between 1973 and 1977, Shakur was indicted in relation to six other incidents—charged with murder, attempted murder, armed robbery, bank robbery, and kidnapping—resulting in three acquittals and three dismissals. In 1977, she was convicted of the first-degree murder of Foerster and of seven other felonies related to the shootout.[7]

Shakur was incarcerated in several prisons in the 1970s. She escaped from prison in 1979 and fled to Cuba in 1984 after living as a fugitive for a few years, and received political asylum. She has been living in Cuba ever since. Since May 2, 2005, the FBI has classified her as a domestic terrorist and offered a $1 million reward for assistance in her capture. On May 2, 2013, the FBI added her to the Most Wanted Terrorist List; the first woman to be listed.[8] On the same day, the New Jersey Attorney General offered to match the FBI reward, increasing the total reward for her capture to $2 million.[9]

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Hillary’s Master Plan to Lose the Election: Campaign for Gun Control as Anti-white

Steve Sailer writes: “…the Democrats’ problem with gun control is that they just can’t stop themselves from portraying the gun problem as evil white men shooting innocent black baby bodies.”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* The obvious riposte to the Hildebeast is, if course, Switzerland.

By law, every adult Swiss male citizen is obligated to keep a pretty heavy caliber arsenal in his home, yet, (I wonder why?), Switzerland has but a minimal level of gun related homicides.

* But in Switzerland immigrants need to get a license to own a weapon, and citizens of certain countries, including Turkey, Bosnia, Serbia, Algeria and Albania, are explicitly forbidden from owning weapons. Also every gun is registered with the state and there are restrictions on citizens with criminal records or mental illness. The NRA and the liberals would scream bloody murder if we tried to institute the Swiss system of gun ownership in the US, but it is probably the most commonsensical in the world.

* If you search a popular rap lyrics website for the keyword “choppa” there are over 2700 results. A choppa of course refers to an AK-47. I haven’t read the lyrics, but I’m sure most of them are about insane rednecks gunning down black children, or perhaps about rappers valiantly defending their communities from marauding Klansmen.

* From your Baby Gap article:

“Besides, in sparsely populated Republican areas, where police response times are slow and the chances of drilling an innocent bystander are slim, guns make more sense for self-defense than in the cities and suburbs.”

Wherever you happen to be, guns make equal sense for self-defense. If you are in a legally defined “in fear for my life” hostile situation that one can’t escape from, police response times mostly don’t matter, unless one happens to be in line of sight of a nearby witnessing officer. As far as drilling a bystander, most states have laws putting the blame on the criminal whose actions precipitated the event. Cops sometimes shoot bystanders, but that’s no reason to disarm city cops. Both police and armed civilians should train as much as possible.

* The gun control issue, even more than immigration, is a heaven-sent issue for Trump to beat her on.
After all was it two or three years ago that a couple of Colorado democrats were recalled from office over the issue? I hope the Donald reserves some time at a gun range, and gets some of his lackeys to bring him some back issues of Guns and Ammo so he can just beat her over the head with this.
The “prison to pipeline” stuff won’t sell as well because it’s been 20 or 25 years since violent crime was a super serious problem in this country. I’ve talked to numerous strait-laced older people who are convinced that hundreds of thousands of people (given some they would not like) are doing long stretches for simple drug possession.

(1) When did urban white liberals ever really care about white racial solidarity in any way? If there were actually any public expression of white racial solidarity, these same urban white liberals would show up in force to protest; they call them “Anti-Fa.”

(2) I also find it amusing that a white liberal Manhattanite actually is mad that ramshackle white people in West Virginia won’t let the white liberals in Manhattan disarm dangerous blacks in Harlem. Are we supposed to think that Manhattanites think that West Virginians have veto power over New York City gun laws? The Federal judiciary has gotten a lot more pro-2A in the last two decades, but that has barely impacted NYC gun laws, which white liberal Manhattanites still have at their disposal.

Of course, I say that like I already don’t know the answer, like I don’t already see an analogue at work in my own back yard all the time. If I had a dollar for every time I saw, read, heard, urban officials, politicians, law enforcement, prosecutors, from St. Louis and Kansas City blame outstate voters and politicians for their supposed inability to disarm the thug blacks in their own confines and the supposed lack of laws that give them the legal latitude to do so, I could afford to live in Manhattan. However, urban politicians either directly seek votes in urban areas or work for those that do, and while black thugs hardly every vote, their grandmothers do. Meanwhile, outstate white people don’t get to vote in St. Louis and Kansas City muni elections. Plus, as we all know, there’s a War on Noticing Things. Therefore, instead of telling the truth and naming the Dindu, the Ook, the Africanus Bellcurvius, it’s very easy to blame far way mysterious people.

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