Moving Right (And I Don’t Mean The GOP)

Yesterday, before the Dallas massacre, John Rivers tweeted: “Right now there are some young Black Men with mental problems who are being pushed over the edge into violence by the Media. Guarantee it.”

Today he tweets:

* I can’t stop Media from being Anti-White 24/7 & stirring up Black Violence. But every time they do I move to the right & I don’t mean GOP.

* The Whites who suffer when the Media creates these maelstroms of Black Violence are the Poor Whites. That’s what happened in my family.

* I want the Rich White Progressive Media to stop stirring up Anti-White Hate. They’re endangering my Friends & Family.

* On the rare occasion some White does something horrific to a Black, we hear about it for a decade & Whites feel bad.

* Meanwhile there are routine brutal killings and rapings of Whites by Blacks and our Media hide it.

* White Cucks only encourage Black Violence.
Get off your knees. Have some self-respect.


* If Whites got off their knees and stopped apologizing for who they are, Blacks would be better behaved.

* The more Whites grovel & cuck, the bolder & more aggressive Blacks get. Isn’t that obvious by now?

* ProgMedia doesn’t seem to care if I notice they’re Rich. Or White.
Or live in Gated Communities.

They mind when I notice they’re Jews, tho.

* And it’s infuriating to see Rich Left-Wing Jews in ProgMedia whip Black Mobs into a frenzy of Anti-White Hate and point them at my family.

* I’m willing to go back to not noticing if they would stop encouraging Anti-White Violence from Blacks. Tit for tat.

* I don’t think there’s a conspiracy. I think a lot of Rich Left-Wing Jews have no blue-collar family & no sympathy for most of White America.

* So when they stir up Black Violence it’s nobody they care about being targeted
It’s just some White Trash somewhere.

* I don’t believe in any Big Jewish Conspiracy. But I do think Left-Wing Jews in Media who push Anti-White Hate do put my family in danger.

* A lot of the Rich Whites who do the Anti-White Bean Counting are Jewish. Maybe they’d think twice if we counted the Jewish Beans, too.

* John Rivers tweets: “I’m glad that Jews get to have Jewish Pride and have a Jewish State. Now I want the same thing for my people.”

* It’s not a War on Cops.
It’s a War on White Cops. For being White.
The shooter said he was trying to kill Whites.

* Ethno-nationalism for me, but not for thee.
We see the game being played, and we’re done playing it.

DENNIS PRAGER TWEETS: “Left-wing cop-hate and left-wing white-hate fueled the Dallas massacre.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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